Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Positive Dilemmas

I've never been a very good decision maker. Although, I've never been very good at letting other people make my decisions either, always arguing with their suggestions!

I often allow decisions which I have to make stress me out, and I always feel 100% happier AFTER a decision is made. I'm not naïve enough to think that I'm the only one that feels that way, but it does seem to be one of the main triggers of my 'panic mode'!

It's not until the past couple of weeks that I've realised that when a decision is difficult to make, it's often because both options are either very (in best case!) or equally (in worst case!) desirable.

One example of this is that, about 3 weeks ago, I was informed that I would no longer have a job at the Coffee House where I've been working. It had nothing to do with my quality of work at all, but there are many changes happening and that includes a change of owners, and so they were unable to keep me on.

This came as quite a shock to me and I was quite upset. But I was proactive and started getting my CVs out to other businesses. I was offered trials at 2 places within a week.

I should have been happy, and I was! My CV had I pressed 2 business owners in the space of a few days and I had the option of two new places of employment!

But I hated the idea of choosing, constantly feeling bad for the other, foolishly thinking that both needed me, I realise now that finding another 17 year old lassie wouldn't be too difficult!

I chose another café btw, so the work's similar!

Then came a mini mid-week meltdown about University options! I'm in the process of applying to UCAS just now and I'm in the very fortunate position of meeting the entry requirements for all the courses that interest me.... now it's just about picking what and where and that's a little bit frightening!

What I need to keep reminding myself, and what maybe everyone else knows but maybe they don't is that it's a good sort of frightening! To be in my position is something that so many people I know would kill for! So It's a positive dilemma, not a reason for tars!

I feel like I can relate this latest Eureka to matters outwith my own personal world too.

Last week, I attended The Big Big Debate in Glasgow, a debate on the Scottish Referendum. Over the past 6 months, I've kept this blog fairly politics free, but I actually have an avid interest for the subject. Between that event, and our local referendum debate at the Town Hall last night, I have been left with many questions and points to consider.

Both a Yes and  No result would bring challenges, but both would bring Scotland positive outcomes of some kind. The question to settle in the next couple of days is, which brings more positive than the other!

So there you have it, my thoughts on positive dilemmas, turning stressful decision making into a good thing, and a little for my readers outwith Scotland regarding the much-talked about Referendum (maybe more on that another time?)

Please comment with your opinions, or some dilemmas you've had to face recently!

Catriona xx