Honestly, my memory of the exact plot is a bit vague but I know that it was really funny!

with a festive feel... what more could you ask for?!
What I particularly loved about these films was the breakdown of perceived perfection (if a little exaggerated) and the importance placed on quality family time. No parent is perfect, no child is perfect, but bonding time between loved ones is so special.
It also reminds us that, while we all grow up, we can still feel/act like kids and sometimes adultas get things wrong! Even Mums (sorry Mum for being so hard on you!!).
I still love Mila Kunis, although I didn't think she was any funnier than the others. My favourite was probably Katherine Hahn... and I also loved Christine Baranski's character in the sequel- she is just fab.
All in all, this was slapstick funny, but also heart warming and spirit-lifting, and just what I needed on a cold Sunday November evening with one of my besties!
This isn't really much of a review to be honest, but it's quarter past 10, I'm tired, and I basically just want to say that, while not my favourite Christmas movie of all time (yet!), I definitely recommend that everyone get themselves to the cinema to see 'A Bad Moms Christmas' with friends over the next couple of weeks! A perfect fun, festive girls night!
Catriona x
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