My presents are wrapped, tress decorated and cards written!
School is super busy at the moment but we do have our Christmas Concert on Tuesday which is always great fun!
I am starting to get a bit stressed about prelims (Mocks) but I should be fine, it'll just be a busy Christmas holidays revising!
Anyway, I wanted to spread some festive cheer on here so I've stolen a Youtube Tag! Instead of a video, it's just gonna be a post and I don't think I'll tag anyone in particular, but if you're reading this and you fancy giving it a go I'd love to read it!
1) Festive Food?
Without a moment of hesitation, PIGS IN BLANKETS! I actually love Christmas Dinner in general tbh, but the roast tatties are amazing too! (Especially if my dad makes them!)
2) Favourite Reindeer?
I have no idea! I discovered recently that I can in fact name all of the reindeer, but I would say, as popular a choice as it is, I would choose Rudolph because he's the outsider!
3) Favourite day of Christmas?
5 Gold rings! Definitely! Even if you don't know the other words you can belt that one out. Plus we're playing "The 12 days of Christmas" at our Christmas concert and that part has a really cool trumpet solo.
4) Favourite Christmas Song?
Ah I have so many favourites that I like for loads of different reasons! I should have thought this through! I'm going to say Fairytale of New York, because it's just timeless and magical!
6) Favourite Christmas Present?
Ooohh I have received so many awesome gifts over the years. My "Main" present from my parents is usually something I've asked for but actually I quite like the little stocking fillers that are surprises!!
7) Favourite Christmas Film?
Nativity! all the way...
8) Favourite Christmas Cracker Toy?
Haha well some of them are just awful aren't they? And others are ok. I think I'd have to say the pen, or keyring notebook because I love stationary!
9) Favourite Christmas Cracker joke?
The Big Chimney said to the little Chimney "You're too young to smoke".. Fairly sure that's a joke my mum told me when I was little and then I saw it in a Christmas cracker later, but it's the only one that comes to mind!
10) Favourite Decoration?

11) Favourite Christmas Candle scent?
Ok, so I haven't really got into Yankee Candles, and the only Christmas candle we have in my house is our advent candle! So I will just say my favourite Christmas scent: The smell of my mum's carrot and coriander soup- that's what Christmas smells of to me!
12) Favourite Christmas TV advert?
Remember that John Lewis one a few years ago with the boy counting the days down til he could give his parents the gift he'd wrapped for them? Yup, made me teary every single time!
13) Favourite Christmas Tradition?
I really like our Christmas day routine. Like how we open our stockings first thing, then have breakfast, then go to church/enjoy our gifts, then have soup and have some more family time and then have Christmas dinner and THEN we open the gifts under the tree- not til evening! Then we watch tv. Or maybe that we always have After Eights!!
14) Favourite place to spend Christmas?
Home, 100% <3
15) Favourite Christmas fact (pretty sure this is supposed to be a loose interpretation of the term 'fact'!)

And so there's some festive nonsense! I hope to post a bit more over the next few weeks but I will say here, Merry Christmas to every single person who's reading this. It is amazing if anyone is! And thank you, I'll be posting throughout December and into the New Year! Please let me know if your festive faves are the same or different in the comments!
Catriona xx
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