I had SO been looking forward to it. Firstly, I loved the live action remake of Cinderella a couple of years ago and so reckoned this one would be up my street too - as much as I love the originals, I've always been more into films with actors as opposed to animations. And, secondly, it was starring Emma Watson who I have a slight girl-crush on haha.
On the run up to our night out, I had watched lots of trailers, clips, and interviews with Emma Watson on Youtube, and was getting very excited!
In the restaurant beforehand, my friend told me that the beast was being played by Dan Stevens, who played Matthew Crawley in 'Downton Abbey' - another of my obsessions! This made it even better!
The film was just beautiful and captivating from start to finish. It was perhaps due to how good a mood I was in anyway, but I just adored every minute, and even found myself tearing up towards the

I don't think I really need to include a brief summary... the story of Beauty and the Beast is pretty well known! I'm also not sure that this will be a particularly balanced review - it met all of my expectations and I can feel myself gushing!
Emma Watson portrayed a very beautiful, strong, kind and intelligent Belle - she was very much determined to keep Belle independent, and not for her to appear intimidated or manipulated by men, the beast or otherwise!
Dan Stevens conveyed the perfect mix of anguish, anger, frustration, but also love, tenderness and vulnerability. You do not get to see him in full human form until right at the end, and its a magical moment.
The character of Gaston, played by Luke Evans, was the perfectly stupid yet charming villain, not too over the top, but just enough that he was a real Disney baddy! His side-kick LeFou, played by Josh Gad, was hilarious, as were the pair as a comedy duo. I liked that LeFou was openly gay, something I honestly probably wouldn't even have picked up on as a viewer if it wasn't for the fact that there was lots of controversy surrounding the subject in the media coverage prior to release - which is the way it should be, not the controversy but the complete integration of such a fact that it doesn't draw major attention, in my opinion of course.
I loved all the animated items of furniture and crockery - it was so cool that the features of the actors who voiced them were present in their faces! I particularly enjoyed the dynamic between these characters - the chirpiness and feelings of hope and unconditional love despite tragedy.
The music was phenomenal - possibly one of my favourite Disney soundtracks actually. Some people I know were upset that the actors cast were not first and foremost singers, and perhaps were slightly autotuned in the recording process (I don't known that this is the case, I am simply repeating criticism I have heard).
However, it was clear to me that all of the actors could, at least to some extent, sing and dance, and their voices complimented each other beautifully, so I didn't have a particular issue with the casting (although I suppose I do see where such critics are coming from). I have re-listened to many of the songs since, with my favourite being 'Something There' between Belle and Beast, closely followed, of course, by Mrs. Pott's 'Tale as Old as Time'.
I won't include spoilers, but it is fair to say that the last scene is sooooo enchanting. Not overly soppy, not 'oh and then everyone got married and snogged and lived happily ever after' rubbish. But implied, so beautifully, so heart-warmingly.
I have never been twice to see the same film in the cinema, at least I don't think I have. However, I must say I have been exceptionally tempted with this one and who knows, it may still happen, there's time yet!
The perfect pick-me-up, and a must-see.
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