Saturday, 28 November 2015

How important is a title?

So this is one of those many times when I have a wee idea and then start typing without much clue where I intend on going, so bear with me!

I suppose this is my own thought shower version of ‘What’s in a name?’ or ‘Don’t judge a book by its cover’. The idea sparked when I re-watched on of my absolute favourite films: ‘Stuck in Love’ starring Lily Collins and Nat Wolfe. I first watched this film maybe a year or two ago, and had sort of completely forgotten about it, until I saw it online recently, remembered how much I’d enjoyed it, and decided to re-watch.

I could have done a review I suppose but something changed my mind. The next day, a friend asked me for some film recommendations and I found myself suggesting this film, and then defending it by saying something along the lines of “I know the title makes it sound lame but I promise it’s really good and emotional and thought provoking.”

Now, I’m not slagging typically considered ‘lame’, girly movies- I was having a bad day earlier this week and ended up watching the Bratz movie for goodness sake!! But for someone reason I really wanted my friend to know that the film I was recommending to them was, in my opinion, pretty intellectual! Or at the very least, held a real message and featured some excellent performances from the cast.

Yet when I said the title I could imagine my friend writing it off as a chick flick.

Was the title a mistake on the creators’ part? Or is it my (our) fault for holding such silly connotations with perfectly normal words? Or, is it our attitude to so-called chick-flicks? When did it become embarrassing for a film to fall into that category? When they became mass-produced?

As I sit here I realise that I have no real answer to this question! Haha. But I hope I’ve intrigued anybody who’s still reading to at least give the film a go! Honestly, I love it.

And feel free to let me know your opinions on titles in the comments!


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