While in the middle of exams, I did watch a fair few films on Netflix, but didn't review them. However, nearly a fortnight ago I finally got to go the cinema for the first time in ages with one of my gorgeous friends and we saw this film, highly anticipated by me since I read it earlier this year (Check out my review here)
I had been trying to make arrangements to see this since it's release, but unfortunately plans fell through until one Wednesday afternoon.
It is very difficult for films to live up to books. There are, in my opinion, a few reason for this, but 2 key ones:
1) They have to miss out lots of things for the screenplay
Despite the chunky size of the book, very little was missed out from the original tale in the film version. This was possibly because author JoJo Moyes also wrote the screenplay.
2) The actors' portrayals of the characters are either unrealistic or just very different from how you imagined them

I think the beginning of films often come across as pretty staged, well for me they do. I suppose it's because you're brain needs time to accept the actors as the characters and the story as true. As soon as I relax and settle into a film suddenly it can draw me in.
One thing I must note is the absolutely beautiful soundtrack of this film. Many of the songs were well known but the versions and combination played an absolutely crucial role in swaying the viewers emotions. I don't make a habit of listening to film music on its own but that is one soundtrack I must revisit.
Talking of emotion, this film is a definite tear jerker. I don't tend to cry at films, and in this case I even knew what was coming, how the storyline would unfold. However, even I was welling up, more so than I have for any film in a while, including TFIOS. I wasn't full on balling, but this film did an excellent job at achieving what I reckon was it's goal, making you think. Making you appreciate your life and everyone and everything in it.
Overall, I would thoroughly recommend, I honestly can't wait to get the DVD!
Overall, I would thoroughly recommend, I honestly can't wait to get the DVD!
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