I'm not long back from what was a truly amazing week at Abernethy Trust Outdoor Centre, Netheybridge as part of the Rotary Youth Leader Awards (RYLA) Girls Camp 2014.
I applied for this through Stonehaven Rotary Club who, along with clubs from all across the district 1010, were sponsoring a place on the camp. After attending an interview, I found out that I was the successful candidate.
The week was aimed at developing leadership skills, and each day included a 1 hour talk from an inspirational speaker, followed by a jam-packed day of activity, with each member in the ten teams of 8 girls taking a turn at playing 'leader', and the teams competing for points overall!!

Over the course of the week, I took part in canoeing, rock climbing, assault courses, challenges, swimming gala, sports day, gorge walking, hill walking, raft building and mountain biking! As well as banner making, zumba, debating, nukem ball and more in the evenings!!

These activities pushed me both mentally and physically, and allowed me to achieve more than I knew I could. They made me change my attitude and convince myself that I CAN do anything if I put my mind to it. I cam home badly bruised & scratched, exhausted and a little sunburned, but I am extremely grateful to have been given the chance to do so many things I never normally would, without having to pay a penny!!

I also gained from RYLA something very special, and that was strong friendship! I wouldn't usually believe that you could become close and attached to girls you barely know in such a short space of time, but when you're with each other all the time, there for each other when your struggling, supporting each other every step of the way and relying on each other's skills, you quickly form a wonderful bond! I genuinely hope that some of these girls are friends for life because I love them to bits! Haha!
I'll put a few more photos below, and I hope I've done justice in this post to what was quite possible the best week of my life!
Catriona xx