Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Film Review: 'The Railway Man'

So, I've decided that I'm going to start posting about films and books after I read them. I use the word 'review' with hesitation because I doubt I'll stick to a formal review layout, but I'd like to comment on the books and films I read/watch from now on :)

I'm starting off with the new film-version of  'The Railway Man', directed by Jonathan Teplitzky, which I saw at my local Town Hall cinema last night.

To briefly summarise without spoiling it for anyone who hasn't yet seen it, 'The Railway Man' is the story of a train-fanatic and soldier named Eric Lomax, who was a victim of extreme abuse and torture from the Japanese who captured him during World War 2 and forced him and thousands of others to work on the Burma railway. Years later he is married, but can not be truly happy because of the emotional torment and nightmares that his horrific past left him with. Lomax discovers that his captor is still alive and is left with a crucial decision: revenge or forgiveness?

I found the film to be incredibly moving but hard-hitting and difficult to watch at times, so I don't recommend watching it if you are wanting a light-hearted or funny film.

Colin Firth portrayed the older Eric Lomax extremely well, while Nicole Kidman also performed exceptionally as his wife, Patti. But, for me, the best performance was from Jeremy Irvine, who played Lomax throughout his war days. I didn't realise until later that Irvine also starred in the film 'War Horse' (2011) and I think he gives a believable and emotional quality to both roles.

Eric Lomax (1919-2012)
I was also very impressed by the similarity between Firth and Irvine. They not only have resemblances in appearance, but also convinced me that they were the same person through their facial expressions, body language and performance. This definitely helped in bringing the tragic story to life and allowing viewers to connect with the film, unlike many films where difficulty to believe that two actors could possibly be portraying the same character distracts you from enjoying the film.

Both Irvine and Firth also look a little like the actual man Eric Lomax, upon who's autobiography the film is based. Lomax wrote his real life story 'The Railway Man', which was published in 1995, before passing away in 2012.

My only criticism of the film would be that the beginning was not particularly clear. I have not yet read the book, and so I don't know exactly how the events happened. However, it took me while to get into the film an decide that I was enjoying it because the beginning  was quite hurried and difficult to follow. For example, we do not know the names of either Eric or Patti until a good way through the film and the two seem to be married very suddenly! In addition, I found that there wasn't a particularly clear link between actors who were supposed to be playing the younger an older versions of the same character (with the exception of Irvine and Firth) and this was a bit confusing too.

Overall, I really enjoyed the film. Young as I am, I knew almost nothing of the experiences of soldiers on the Burma railways and so the film was not only fantastic in an almost fictional sense, but also fascinating in its historical value and truth.

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Things turn out best for those who make the best of how things turn out....

Hi there! I have been wanting to write a blog post all week but I've had some trouble getting started! So I apologize if  this becomes a ramble but  just feel like getting some words down while I'm in a good mood!

I've finally received all my exam results and I am stunned to say that I was successful in achieving 5 As! I just wish that they had been the real thing now haha!

People often say to me: "You're really smart!!" or "You'll obviously get good grades." or something else to that effect. I'm not telling you this to be big-headed in any way at all, and of course I try my best to take these remarks as compliments, smile and thank the person. But there's something about such comments which annoy me a bit.

Just because someone's strengths lie in academic areas of life doesn't mean that that person has no need to try, is guaranteed good grades, or finds preparation to be easy. To label someone as simply "smart" has become  a suggestion that the person need hardly work for the success they consistently achieve.

Now I will happily admit to my weaknesses. For example, I'm not that great at sport, I can be quite bossy, I talk too much and I have a habit of being impatient. I will also happily say that I am aware that I am incredibly lucky to find MOST (not ALL) areas of academic life to be manageable and that I'm quite good at music.

And so, it is neither through arrogance nor false-modesty that I say this: I work bloody hard to achieve what I do.

I'm not the 'perfect student'. I spend most of my "study" time procrastinating,  I often get bored in class and give up trying, I frequently leave homework to the last minute. But, despite all that, I work really hard because working hard is something I think I actually kind of enjoy. That sounds bizarre, I know, but I like feeling prepared, I like feeling knowledgeable and I like doing well.

When I don't do well, it disappoints me and I strive to improve. I'm lucky I suppose, to have that embedded in my character; a sort of inbuilt motivation and perfectionist personality.

But in the end, I've still had to put the work in and I don't believe that people claiming that they're just not "smart" enough is  excuse for not making an attempt. Naturally, some people will find academia easier than others. Naturally, I'm not suggesting that every single person is capable of the same grades. But the same goes for every aspect of life. I will never find success in football or rugby or hockey, in singing or gymnastics or art. But I'd like to think that, if the situation arose, I'd give any one of those things a good go.

And so, if anyone is actually reading this, I propose a challenge. Set yourself goal, any goal, and go for it. Or, simply decide to challenge yourself whenever possible. I know that those are two things I would like to do more of. As ever, I'd love to hear your thoughts on hard work and success, and please share your goals and challenges too :)

Now I better go and write my French essay which I've been putting off doing all day!

Catriona xx

Thursday, 13 February 2014

The YouTube Craze

I love to write, and technology means that I can blog as opposed to diary keep. I have often used YouTube to watch music videos or videos that have been recommended to me by friends. But I'd never bothered 'subscribing' to channels or uploading my own videos.

In August last year, my friend showed me a YouTube video of Tom Fletcher from Mcfly singing his wedding speech. It was a lovely, cheesy, heart-warming, tear provoking speech made up of a medley of Mcfly classics with the words changed. If you haven't yet watched it, you really should click here asap (i.e. after you've finished reading my blog haha) and give it a watch! Especially if you're already a Mcfly fan (woo big cheer for all of us going to the McBusted tour 2014!!). After that I was intrigued by Tom's channel and watched a couple more videos.

Also last year, I heard for the first time about the young girl who starred on Britain's Got Talent when she was just a wee toot and has a sensational voice. Her name's Connie Talbot and her covers make me smile. I often listen to them when I'm down or during exam periods. I'll include a link below.

Anyway, at the begging of this year, I sort of 'rediscovered' my YouTube account and I'm now hooked on the videos of Tom Fletcher and particularly of his sister Carrie. Carrie is a west end actress and she's such a down to earth lovely person. If you fancy watching some of her videos, follow the link below, her YouTube name is ItsWayPastMyBedTime.

I have a lot of friends who are really in to following YouTubers, really famous YouTubers I mean. I haven't got into that yet at all, but maybe I will.

'Vlogging' is quite like blogging I reckon, but I feel that it possibly requires an even greater level of skill and confidence. I can't imagine me ever feeling like I could talk to a camera, knowing that there's potential for a lot of people to see it. I'd feel awkward, and I lack humour in the way I talk sometimes! But I guess its not too different to blogging.

I suppose the key is not to care what people think, just like how I keep writing her even though my views are minimal and my comments consistently 0. Its about getting practice at something you enjoy. Overall, I think YouTube is a wonderful hub where people can share their talents, experiences, most random moment of their lives...etc. etc....  My only issue now is not to get too addicted....

If you have anything you'd like to say about YouTube and Vlogging please get in touch, I'm always up for a chat! Alternatively, I'd love to change by running total of 0 comments so go ahead and let me know what you're thinking!

That's all for now... I'm off to watch some more YouTube!!

Catriona xx

Tom Fletcher(Mcfly) on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLsgDgYTlIDN3cCLSMpooNQ

Carrie Fletcher on YouTube:

Connie Talbot on YouTube:

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Smile and the world will smile with you...

Well hello again. Now that my prelims are finally over I thought it was a good time for a new blog post.

I'm so relieved that exams are over, even though I know that they were just a practice and I'll have to do it all again in couple of months!!

Right now I'm in a particularly happy mood... which is just as well since I promised a more up beat blog this time! Results from my prelims are my one worry. I was over the moon to find out today that I managed to get an A in French, but I have no idea how the others went....!

But, other than that, life's going pretty well! This weekend was great, but really busy! It was so good not to be stressing over revision for a change. On Friday, I went to the cinema with my girls to see 'That Awkward Moment' starring Zac Effron.. I'll admit, the storyline was limited but the drooling was very much not! Haha! Then we had a lovely lunch at Frankie & Benny's which I hadn't been to in years and was very much impressed by.. Hard to beat a good BBQ Chicken Wrap and Fries!

Then, on Saturday, I went to work. For the past year and a half, I have worked as a cleaner in a B&B, the owners of which now also own and run a coffee house. I've washed dishes in the kitchen a few times but Saturday was my first shot at waitressing which was very fun though my feet were a little sore after a 9-5 shift!!

And, finally, on Sunday, I attended my first AYO (Orchestra) rehearsal which went surprisingly well considering that exam revision meant I'd hardly practiced!

I've also got a lot of great things coming up, such as a long weekend off school this weekend and hopefully a few driving lessons soon too!

So yeah, there's a big smile on my face at the moment. "We all smile in the same language".  A message to that effect was on a poster in my primary school and I've never forgotten it. Because its true, if a little cheesy. There are few barriers which a smile cannot break.

I was very happy to hear that Scotland finally passed the bill legalising same-sex marriage last week. It reminded me that life isn't easy for every group, and sometimes it takes a fight to be given rights but it's usually worth it. I suppose this train of thought all began a couple of weeks ago when I went to see the film 'Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom' with my family, a very hard-hitting and thought-provoking film dealing with just one fight fought in the world in pursuit of equal rights.

My point is, in appreciating what we have and smiling about it, in our kindness towards those around us, in our friendly attitude and our hatred of discrimination, we can make a difference. A smile resembles one person's positive attitude. And though no single smile will change the world, smiling really is infectious.

I'll leave you with that thought, once again I seem to have managed to turn my excitable mood into quite an intense blog! But at least this time it is a positive one! When you're feeling low. please remember than smiling's the very best medicine. I see it every week when I go to help at the local Brownies and I watch 30 little girls grinning at the tiniest thing.  As always, I'd love to hear from you, comment below or contact me using the details I've listed here. Remember you can now also follow my blog via Bloglovin'  and Google+

Until next time,

Catriona xx