So, I know its been almost 2 and a half weeks since I last posted but I have literally been non-stop busy!! Mostly with homework to be honest! But there has been some fun stuff going on too.. So this is really just going to be a catch-up post!
I've recently started driving which is pretty cool! I was soooo nervous when I went out for my first lesson but I've had 2 now and its not that bad!
I've also been enjoying lots of work as a waitress in the cafรฉ, I much prefer working with people than shut away in the B&B cleaning!
I went to see the X Factor Live Tour a week past Sunday which a great night! Some amazing talent!
Last Friday was my dad's work's Charity Dinner to raise funds for the Aberdeen International Youth Festival, which is a brilliant event which brings young people from around the world to Aberdeen in the summer to sing, dance, act and play music. I'm sure you'll hear loads more about it if I manage to keep blogging until then, but if you're into the arts and fancy checking out their website then I'll pop the link below :) Anyway, not only was did I get to attend the event, but I also got to play at it as part of the North East Folk Collective! It was a truly great night.
Then, on Saturday, was the Aberdeen round of the UK Rock Challenge. If you haven't heard of it before, please check it out at the link below because it would probably take me a whole post to do it justice (which I may do after the finals, which my school qualified for!!). Basically, its and inter-schools performance/dance competition where each school portrays a message to music through dance in 8 minutes.... and it includes wacky themes, awesome hair and make up and wonderful costumes! This year our theme was Mario (as in SuperMario and MarioKart) and conveyed a themes of drug-awareness and appreciation of the one life we have. We came second and picked up loads of special awards and we're off to Dundee in June for the finals! I wasn't dancing this year, but I was involved as a member of the stage crew :)

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