I ordered 'Before I Met You' on loan from my library last year as a kind of spur-of-the-moment thing when I saw a friend post a photo of their copy on Instagram.
It took me ages and ages (and several episodes of renewing!) before I decided that enough was enough and I was just going to have to make time to read and therefore eventually got cracking on what was a pretty thick novel. It appealed to me instantly as it was partly set in the past and I particularly like stories with historical links. I also liked that there was more than one story going on at once, with links between them. To sum up VERY briefly, Betty is in London in search of a women named in her Grandmother's will, while in other chapters we are told the story of Betty's Grandmother Arlettte as a young girl in London. However, I did find this to be confusing at times when the start of each chapter didn't make it very clear which story I was now on and I sometimes had to start a chapter again after I figured out which of two stories was being continued!
In my opinion, the novel's not really a romance as such, although there are plenty "sexual references" and storyline's featuring both 'dating' and 'courting'! Haha! I like that it is a sort of mystery/detective story but also that you can't really pin-point its genre.
One criticism I do have is that some of the incidents which occur are quite unrealistic. Such as Betty just happening to make the acquaintance of a very famous rock star and his wife. (not going any further on that point for fear of spoiling it!)
I also feel that at times the story may have dragged a little, and I perhaps wouldn't have bothered to include a few of the details.
I don't want to say too much more about the book as I really urge anyone reading this to give it a read, it's definitely worth a go. And please don't be put off by the number of pages! One of my favourite characters is called John Brightly... I just feel like Lisa Jewell makes him seem so real :)
So yeah, please give it a read and feel free to let me know what you think in the comments box. I do have a hefty stack of recommendations but if anyone thinks I'd really enjoy a particular book or film then let me know!
Catriona xx
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