A couple of weeks ago, an event happened which sparked a train of thought, which became a blog post idea, and which then got filed away into a far corner of my mind until I had the time to sit and write it. This morning, I switched on my laptop, with the intention of finally writing what I wanted to write, but firstly decided to read some of the new posts from the blogs I follow.
And I saw that one of my good friends and fellow bloggers Holly's latest post was, in many ways, similar to what I want to say. She was talking about the future, the pressures of having to decide what we, as young people, want to do with our lives and how she's been getting help to make her mind up! So please check out her blog www.hollymaae.blogspot.com , and then come back and read what I have to say haha, because, while we're obviously both thinking along the same lines, our trains of though are quite different...

But now and then it just hits me that 'the future' is never really that far away and my future seems to
be hurtling towards me at rocket speed.
The event I mentioned right at the beginning was my driving test which I sat (AND PASSED, 1ST TIME!!) a fortnight ago. Knowing that I can now legally drive, just like my mum or my dad or my grandparents is so bizarre.
And then there's been loads of talk about Uni and my 18th birthday party and all of these things are things that always seemed so far away that they were barely worth mentioning. But now they're a matter of weeks and months away and it seems like I've jumped on a rollercoaster ride of life and the stops are too brief!
"I'm on a rollercoaster that only goes up, my friend"
~ Augustus Waters
The Fault in Our Stars (John Green) ~
As TFIOS indicates, maybe being on that rollercoaster isn't such a bad thing? I know I'm ready to leave school, for a start. I'm ready for a new adventure and I'm ready to try new things and passing my driving test not only boosts my confidence for jumping into the unknown but also opens up opportunities to be whatever and whoever I want to be in the future. Yes, it's a little scary (ok, A LOT scary) but I just need to enjoy right now and not fear next week, or the week after, or the weeks after that....

So, for the moment, I want to do as much as I can with what remains of 2014... but when 2015 arrives
(which at this rate won't be long!), I'll know that there's nothing to do but to be happy with resigning myself to opening my eyes wide and saying, with confidence, "3....2....1....BLAST OFF!!!"