At school, I do a period a week of what is called 'peer support' which is basically just helping out in a junior class. I help in a first year English class who have been selected by our librarian to take part in something I used to love doing when I was in 1st and 2nd year: The Grampian Children's Book Award (GCBA).

Basically, it's a local award which comprises a long list of books, has this whittled down to a shortlist y asking young people to vote, and then gets as many young people to read as many of the 6 shortlisted books as possible, before announcing the winner in May next year.
The first year I ever took part, Sophie McKenzie won with 'Blood Ties'. She couldn't make it to the
event, but that was what began my love for her books.
Anyway, the books are aimed at a much younger audience than me, because only juniors participate, but, in an attempt at motivating the kids in the class to give reading a good go, I promised to read the books too.
So I'd run my opinions on the books as a sort of 'series' on this blog. Might be interesting since I never voted for the shortlist, so have absolutely no say in what I'm going to read! So the books are quite likely to be ones I wouldn't normally choose, particularly in terms of difficulty!
I look forward to getting started reading them now!
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