I do a morning paper round, and that hour that I'm walking on my own is my main thinking time. I think things over that are worrying me and try and reason them out in my head, I make up little stories (which I always subsequently forget to record and later forget!) and fantasies and I think about school things and mentally revise or practice something in my head. But I also mull over things that interest me, or make me curious or confused. And, one morning last week, I was thinking about the concept of luck- what it is and where it comes from?
When things happen to me, or don't, and I take a moment to appreciate how lucky I am, sometimes I think I was deserving of luck and sometimes I think I was just, well, lucky! And I wonder if there's
some being who decided that my "wish" will be granted, or if the power always lies with me and my actions.
There are some things which we would all argue lie purely with luck. For example, there is nothing in the world you can do, no act of goodness big enough, which will give you a greater chance of winning the lottery than anyone else with the same number of tickets, is there? But sometimes things that are lucky happen just as you need them too, making them particularly lucky, and I reckon this is coincidence but I'm not sure.

Or do we "make our own luck", another common phrase? Is that possible? Or is that not luck at all, is that just a way of saying that positive actions can achieve positive results?

I'm going to quit the questions now because if you've got this far and are still following then I applaud you. My posts tend to be quite advice based, but this shows you that, in actual fact, I have very little clue and an annoying habit of questioning things which I would, before now, have just accepted (and will probably just go back to doing so!).
So I wish you all good luck in what ever you're doing today and continue to sit here, waiting for enlightenment on whether my wish for your luck, and mine, will ever make a difference.
~ I'd love to here everyone's thoughts on luck in the comments below~
Catriona xx
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