Over a week ago (12th January to be exact!) marked a year since my first post! technically, my actual blog is about 4 years old but since I deleted all my old posts, began again, and kept it going, its been just over a year! I can't quite believe it really, that a year has passed, but I hope to still be sitting typing my blog up in another years time!

Being 18 is something which is actually a pretty big step in some ways, and not in others, but I think that's a topic which needs its own post!
Tonight I just wanted to thank everyone for a year of blog-world.. woo! I have a draft-post sitting waiting to be completed and published but I'm kind of too drained today to finish it! I had a 3 hour written exam which went alright but made me exhausted! Then I went out for dinner tonight with a friend who I haven't seen in ages,
So I apologies that this is one of my no-meaning ramble posts but just really felt like I needed to blog something, an urge to write I suppose! Stick with me, my mind is full of ideas for 2015 posts!
Catriona xx
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