Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Reflection and Recycling Resolutions- Take 2

Happy New Year!! Finally got round to returning to my blog following a wee break (which was much needed after Blogmas!). I'm sorry I never really wrapped up Blogmas with a Christmas Day post as I had planned too, but I was just enjoying time with my family, then a wee holiday to London, then a wonderful Hogmanay at home, and then I was ill for a week! Now, I'm back in my uni house and getting myself prepped for the next semester, so I thought it was definitely time to do my resolutions post.... preferably before January 2017 disappears!

So, I have had the same resolutions for the last 2 years, and so I thought I'd take a leaf out of last-year-me's book, and just use this post to update them a wee bit for 2017! Let's have a look at which ones I actually did something about, and which failed spectacularly!

1) Improve my health (particularly weight and therefore body image) by healthy consideration of both diet and regular exercise. As you may remember, I wrote a post in April 2016 following a comment I overheard someone make about my appearance. It was called 'Can harsh be good, or just rude?' and you can read it here. I suppose I'll never be a spectacularly sporty person, but certainly towards the end of 2016 I was feeling much better myself, because I joined the uni swim club and also started going jogging. Now to just keep it up and control the snacking!

2) Take my appearance a little more seriously- if I feel good about how I look, it could do my mental health a world of good. I will never be one of those girls who can be bothered spending hours on appearance, but 2016 saw me finally do something about my skin, buy lots of comfy clothes I like, even take a risk on a dress I'd never normally wear! And I kept up the haircuts haha! It can be really easy for me to just not care sometimes, but I feel so much better about myself when I do.

3) Write more. Yeah the diary didn't last long in 2016 .... I wasn't going to bother even trying this year, but then I was bought one for Christmas so decided to start once more and see hbow it goes! Thanks to Blogmas and a few rushes of inspiration, my blog is now about to begin it's 4th year, crazy! As for the fiction, very little this year bar a few poems, but I have stuff in the works so I plan to make a bit more time for that this year. It's the starting that's difficult. And the ideas haha!

4) Read more. So you may have noticed that in 2016 I decided to number my book reviews to try and motivate me to read more. I only recorded the books I read for pleasure, but it came to an embarrassingly low total of 8!!! If you add this to the (approx.) 10 books I read for my uni courses in 2016, it looks a lot better. As I've mentioned before, reading for pleasure can be tough when at uni, but I vow that even if it takes me a month per book, I'm going to keep up reading this year. Actually, it can't take me a month per book because I'm setting myself a new reading challenge which I'll write a post about soon. This will not include the 9 plays I've got to read this semester for uni!!

5) Be a nicer daughter/sister. Unfortunately, I slipped up around Christmas, which I always seem to find a hard time to get along with people. I think it's the pressure! I also had a bit of a rough patch with my sister earlier in the year which lasted quite a while, and plenty rough patches with my Mum, as usual. So, I suppose 2016 wasn't great on this one, but so far 2017 seems to be going ok, and I'd like to keep it that way! I'm trying, I really am. I love my family very much.

6) A 'romantic' experience of some kind. ugh, can we just move on? 2016 was the year of downloading and promptly deleting Tinder, and wondering why I seem fixed on the road to be being an old maid....

7) Work hard on my studies. Second semester of first year saw me work hard and be kind of disappointed in my grades. I still more than passed, but French kind of took over my life. First semester of second year saw me step it up, but also in my extra-curricular life, hence the continued pattern of last minute essay writing! Therefore, it is now, at the beginning of 2017 that I have (once again) decided to crack down on my academic dedication. Yeah, so everyone says that at the beginning of a new semester, but I know I'm a hard working student who loves to learn and there's no reason why I shouldn't up my grades a little in time for honours years... scary!

So there we have it, a wee update on how my resolutions went in 2016, and my plans to further them in 2017. I've always expected a lot of myself, but you know what? I'm one of those cheesy people who really does view the start of a new year as a brilliant opportunity to make those little changes. Catch you all this time next year for the same  resolutions?! Let me know yours in the comments.

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