Monday, 13 January 2014

Best bits of 2013!

When the bells struck 12 on New Years Eve, I was sat around the television with my parents, my younger sister and my Gran. In the days and weeks that have passed since, countless people have mentioned to me (or within my hearing) something to do with New Years resolutions. Making resolutions wasn't something I had consciously considered. Nor something that, ordinarily, I would consider appropriate to share. But over the past few days I've realised that there are 3 sort-of-resolutions that are important to me in 2014:
  • Make more effort to get on well with my loved ones
  • Keep my lifestyle as healthy as possible (i.e. more exercise and less unhealthy food!)
  • Write more
It's the third resolution that reminded me of the fact that I can blog here, it costs me nothing, and whether it is read or not it is writing practice.

I've spent the last few weeks of 2013/ 2014 so far in utter amazement about how quickly 2013 passed. I don't know if was the stress of exams what, but it felt as though the year flew by. For that reason (though its well into 2014 now!) I am going to steal (borrow?!) an idea for this first proper post from my lovely penpal (and good friend!) Holly, who already has a brilliant blog so please have a read of it  


2013... the best bits!

Here are some of my 2013 highlights (in no specific order) .. my way of telling you a bit about me!


2013 was the year of turning 16 in my friendship group and it was my turn on January 15th! I didn't have a big party, but I did  have some friends over and we had a great pizza&movie night (picture on the right). I also got some wonderful presents. The picture below of me and my friends at my friend Niamh's 16th birthday BBQ in July, another really special night with my friends.


For my 16th birthday, my parents bought me a trip to Paris with my mum. This is NOT my usual kind of birthday present!! But my mum saw it as a kind of tradition, as she went abroad with her sister when she was 16. We had the most amazing weekend. Paris is just the most beautiful city ever and I really really hope to return one day....


I was lucky enough to see both The Script and Jessie J live in concert this year!!!! The Script are favourite band and so it was an unbelievable night, probably one of the best nights of my life so far! And Jessie J was phenomenal and put on an amazing show! I also went to 'Tartan Gig' in Glasgow with Rangers and saw Amy Macdonald (Love her!), Gabrielle Aplin, Little Mix, Connor Maynard and many more. Here is a photo of one of my best friends, Rachael, and I before Tartan Gig 2013.


In the Easter holidays, I was lucky enough to get pay a visit to Wigan in Greater Manchester, where I lived for 6 years. I've moved around a wee bit and, though I consider myself Scottish through-and-through, Wigan was my childhood home and I often miss it. It was really cool as I got to meet up with two of my best Primary school friends too, Caitlin and Ella.


When my exams were all over in June, I spent 4 days on a work experience placement and 'The Press & Journal' Newspaper in Aberdeen. It was a dream come true (sorry to be so clichรฉ!). I literally had a wonderful time: I got to write lots, have my features published, sit in on and carry out interviews and attend press calls! It made me realise that my goal of becoming a Journalist really is the career path I want to follow, and I hope I can find myself similar experiences this year!



I spent a good part of 2013 advancing with violin piano. I'm continuing to enjoy extra-curricular music groups, though I no longer take music as a school subject. I was over the moon to find out that I was successful in my audition for Aberdeenshire Youth orchestra, and look forward to rehearsing with them next month. I have been particularly enjoying traditional music throughout 2013, having participated in Aberdeen International Youth Festival's Ceol Mor trad band in August, and joining the North East Folk Collective, with whom I've had the opportunity to play numerous gigs including at the BBC Alba Trad Awards in December.... We ended up on TV on Boxing day and I even got a couple of close-ups! Haha!

NEFC @ the BBC Alba Trad Awards



This might seem a queer thing to put in my 2013 highlights! But 2013 was the year of my first official exams and, though the revision and sitting the actual exams were far from fun, receiving my results in August out a smile on my face. With 8 grade 1s (top grade) in Maths, English, Physics, Music, French, German, History and Modern Studies, its an understatement to say I was chuffed. Pressure on for my Highers this year....


My parents and sister on a walk in Ireland
My mum's family is Irish, and so is extremely large! I love going to Ireland and also spending time with relatives.. in summer 2013, my family and I spent a lovely holiday in Donegal, Ireland. In October, we celebrated my the 80th birthdays of both my Grandma and Grandad by going away with them, my dad's brothers and their families, for a weekend which was really nice. Then, in November, my mum's cousin got married in Glasgow, which was a lovely day and a great opportunity to see family.

My family and I before my cousin's wedding!



In December, my dad turned 50! We went out for a meal at Jamie's Italian Restaurant to celebrate. We also went to London in the October holidays, in the hope that my dad would see his football team (Arsenal!) at their home stadium. unfortunately, it didn't work out, but we did get to go on tours of the Harry Potter Studios and Wimbledon!!

My sister, Aoife, and I at our dad's birthday meal.
The family at the Harry Potter Studio Tour, London

All in all, it's been an amazing year, even if it went by way too fast!! I feel so lucky to have had so many great opportunities during 2013 and I hope 2014 brings many more.

I also hope anyone reading this now knows a bit more about me! xx

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