Although I have briefly mentioned references to music, my love for and involvement in music definitely deserves at least one post to itself!
Like many teenage girls, listening to music plays quite a big role in my life, as certain songs can put me in certain moods and I like relating to lyrics. Sometimes I like to think that I can appreciate both the musical and literary aspects of songs, but for the most part I stick on something truly cheesy to put a smile on my face!
I don't particularly have one particular music taste, as I enjoy listening to various genres. I'm not going to start listing artists right now because I'll go into more details in further post, but, among the many genres I like, I would most identify myself with a sort of folky sound, like Amy McDonald, Sandi Thom and even my favourites: The Script!
I also like playing music. I've bee playing the violin since I was 7, and although moving around brought some disruption to my teaching, I'm still at it 10 years on! I like playing in my lessons and doing my grades, but I also thoroughly enjoy all the orchestras and music groups I participate in.
2 years ago I started getting lessons in Piano too. I'm not particularly good but I muddle through! I mostly just lack the motivation to practice but that can be said for many things in life.
However two instruments is a bit much, and since I'm more interested in doing my own thing with piano as opposed to progressing on to exams, I might stop lessons soon. Its not an easy decision for me, giving up on something never is because its not in my personality to quit. It was like when I had the awful decision over swimming last year. Firstly, I'm awful with decisions, I'm always so much more relaxed when I've finally got an important decision out of the way! Secondly, I'm one of these people that likes to stick at things as long as possible and not give up!
However, alongside piano, my piano teacher taught me music theory. This is incredibly boring to revise... well for me at least! I just stuck at it until my Grade 5 exam at the start of march which I foyund out last week I have passed with merit (85%)! So I'm chuffed with that! Having grade 5 theory allows you to progress to grade 6 and upwards in a musical instrument which is good, but I'm just so glad to be able to step away from the theory books now! Except its probably time to get cracking on driving theory now....
So basically, I'm just so grateful for the musical opportunities I've been granted in life. Music isn't necessary a talent as such for me, but rather a hobby which I enjoy so much that I strive to do well at it. If anyone reading this doesn't involve themselves in music much- either in playing yourself or listening to music- then I strongly encourage you to grasp any opportunity which presents itself, because you may have found one of your lifetime passions, I certainly did!
Catriona xx
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