Thursday 29 May 2014

Film Review: 'The Book Thief'

Been a wee while since I've posted. I was under the impression that I would be free as a bird after exams and, although I've been filling my days with things I want to do, I've been filling them all the same! But more on that another time. Back to topic.

It's been almost 2 weeks since my Mum and I went to see 'The Book Thief' as a sort of end of exams treat. It was a 'Take 2' movie at Cineworld, which is a film shown on a Thursday that is 'brought back' because it has left regular cinema listings and you can get 2 tickets, 2 small drinks and a regular popcorn for £10! Great deal!

Anyway, we went and saw it and, having read the book, I was really excited. If you'd like to read my review of the novel, click here and this might be helpful to anyone who doesn't know the storyline in appreciating this post. because I'm not going to repeat my summary of the plot.

I wasn't disappointed on the whole. The film portrayed the characters well in terms of the direction by Brian Percival and the actors were very good. My only reservation was in how much of the book was completely absent from the film and how much had to be altered. I understand totally that creating a perfect film copy of Zusak's novel would end up producing a 5 hour film or something! And I really feel that it was an excellent adaptation considering. But, when I'd read it so recently, I was bound to immediately notice differences and to compare.

Principal character Leisel was played by Sophie Nelisse who was very good. Her co-star, Nico Liersch also performed very well as Rudy Steiner. They brought the characters to life, with Nelisse grasping Liesel's passion and Liersch successfully interpreting Rudy's cheekiness and kind-heart.

I thought that Emily Watson was the absolute perfect choice for the role of Rosa Hubermann. She embraced the role perfectly, sporting a brilliant balance of harshness and a good heart.

The relationship between Max (Ben Schnetzer) and Liesel was also developed nicely, considering the lack of time.

Despite there being numerous differences from the book, for the most part they were minor. However, one change I will mention because I didn't like it is... WAIT! SMALL  SPOILER ALERT! SKIP THE REST OF THIS PARAGRPAH IF YOU REALLY TRULY DON'T WANT TO KNOW ANYTHING OF THE STORYLINE!

Rudy doesn't guess that Liesel and her family are hiding a Jewish man until much much later and Liesel certainly doesn't tell him. Rudy doesn't steal her diary and read it. I just didn't like that change and, at the moment, I can't really explain why. But if anyone happens to read this who has both read and seen 'The Book Thief', please get in touch with your opinion on this.

To sum up: Brilliant film, DVD out now so worth a watch. But if you want a true insight into Zusack's story then read it too!

Catriona x

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