Well I've been back at school just two weeks and it's already been fairly crazy!!
On the first week back we had daily Rock Challenge rehearsals followed By the Scottish Finals where my school came 4th. T'was a fab day!!
Then I was helping out with Primary Seven induction which was fairly exhausting. Plus I visited Glasgow Uni on Thursday which was great except that I lost my new phone (thankfully I have it back now!). And the next two weeks are set to be equally as jam-packed!
So I really hope I'll squeeze in more blogging time but for now I'd really like to let u know about two films I've seen on the cinema and not reviewed yet! Both in one blog so it's an exclusive Film Review double bill haha ;)
No. 1- 'Bad Neighbours'
The first one I saw 3 weeks ago at the cinema with 2 friends, and that was 'Bad Neighbours'.
It was pretty funny, if a little melodramatic!!

Not to mention the wild fraternity house next door, with whom the young couple find themselves
battling! Lead by hotties Zac Efron, and Dave Franco (21 Jump Street), the college crew are set to cause some serious disturbance!
The cherry on the cake, cast-wise, is Lisa Kudrow as the Principal, I will never grow tired of her sarcastic tone!
Overall, a pretty good movie!
No. 2- '22 Jump Street'
I recently did a review of '21 Jump Street' and promised I'd post when I saw it's sequel '22 Jump Street' which I did on Sunday!
My sister had been the week before and loved it, and it did not let me down!
Teamed with (my very first) EXTREMELY LARGE popcorn and drinks, my friend and I laughed our heads off as (Channing) Tatum and (Jonah) Hill once again rocked the big screen in their epic undercover drug-dealer-finding mission... but this time in college, and it was Tatum who got to be cool!!
As usual, the unrealistic car chases and shooting sprees were present, however it didn't bother me this time because they were teamed with comments about how expensive the repairs would be for the police department, which at least showed acknowledgement of the scale of their action!! Haha!

much more because I don't want to cause any spoilers, but an unanticipated plot twist casts the police officers boss, Captain Dickson (Ice Cube) in a humorous and crucial role.
While the final credits rolled, the background was of different scenarios that could be future "films" for the Tatum-Hill duo, leading up to about 40 jump Street!! While this was a great idea, it indicates to me that there probably won't actually be any more Jump Street movies, which may be for the best I suppose... They say you can get too much of a good thing?!
Overall, grab some friends and go and see it if you haven't already! And If you have, let me know what you think!
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