Saturday, 28 March 2015

Uni Choice Freak-Out

I'm in my final year at school. And I have two school weeks left. Ever.

That fact has kinda been scaring me recently. It's getting to the stage where I'm almost ready to leave school, but still not knowing what I will be doing with my life in 6 months time is quite daunting.

I now have all my replies from the University courses I applied for. I have been accepted to study International Relations in both Edinburgh and St. Andrews, but have been rejected from studying English in each of those places. Thankfully,. I had my heart set on IR from the start, but it's never nice to be rejected, especially when you're unsure of what more you could have done!

What this leaves is a very exciting decision: 2 fab Unis. But I can only attend 1!

There are pros and cons of both which I won't detail just now, but I keep swinging between the two as a result! I'm going to visit each place again in the next couple of weeks and have resolved to make my decision after that. Once the decision is made, I know that what I need to do is completely forget the other option and put my all into getting the most out of what I decide.

Last year, I wrote a post called Positive Dilemmas about how the decisions which are the hardest to make are those that include equally awesome options. Occasionally, these sorts of decisions lead me to mini freak-out mode. Then I feel guilty about getting worked up because I know that there are so many people who would be over the moon with unconditional offers to just one top Scottish Uni, far less 2!

I know that I'm an exceptionally lucky girl, and so my stressing is honestly not meant to be spoilt sounding! I think its just that sometimes something a big as moving away from home and beginning to study something totally new with totally different people is a little overwhelming! Exciting, yes! But a little overwhelming, in the best way possible.

I'll keep the blog updated on my decision, but I think sometimes I need to just take a step back from my initial panic and come up with a plan. as my mum has told me, I can't really make a wrong decision. Either way, the unknown is seeming so close now... :)

Please feel free to leave comments, would love to hear about your mini freak-outs and your positive dilemmas!

Catriona x


  1. I'm in exactly the same position. You got accepted into two amazing unis!! And don't worry, a lot of people get rejected from unis, including me! Xx

    1. Aw thank you! So good to hear from people who understand how I feel! Good luck with whatever you choose to do and thank you so much for reading xx
