Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Nerves, nerves, nerves || Blogmas Day 13

I went to bed last night not feeling very well, and when I woke up it was way worse! I'm fairly positive that it is an IBS flare-up, as I often get these when I'm stressed, and especially in winter for some reason. I might do a proper post on IBS some time actually, but not for Blogmas haha!

Anyway, with a 2pm exam I was determined to get my act together (and to eat something, despite not feeling like it!), so I decided to head to Rectors Café for porridge and then, later, soup, while I read through my notes. I think it was the right move because, despite the nerves, the exam went pretty well I think!

I've always been quite a nervy person actually, so I wasn't overly surprised when I was diagnosed with IBS and told that it's stress related. When I was little, I was afraid of some many things,. I had actual phobias of animals, heights, needles, and I always had some kind of tick that would wind up my family, like screwing up my face or clearing my throat or blinking too much... always something that I would find addictive. I'm a lot better now that I'm older, although I do still have some weird quirks, like, most recently, cracking my fingers.

Do any of you guys have any bad habits or certain things you do when you're nervous? I'm hoping its not just me because otherwise this post is more than just a bit boring, its kind of embarrassing!

I was going to get some revision in this evening, because it's not long until my next exam, but I am actually exhausted. Feeling a little better though, so decided to eat some food and watch The Apprentice semi-final (totally the wrong choice at the end by the way, no spoilers though!) and now its time to sleep!

You've only got 1, maybe 2, days left of reading about me in exam-mode!

Catriona x

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