Tuesday 12 December 2017

Study Style || Blogmas Day 12

WARNING: This is not going to be very festive. Unfortunately, I'm not really in the Christmas mind set now (and probably wont be until the weekend, when my exams are over and I'm free from the library!)

Today, for the first time, my flatmate decided to come and study in the library with me. I spend quite a lot of time in the library, throughout the semester but particularly closer to exams. I like to create a bit of separation between uni and home, and I also don't concentrate very well in the flat, especially in the winter, because as soon as I see my warm cosy bed and consider an afternoon spent studying versus an afternoon spent watching Netflix, all chance of being productive is lost!

So, my revision routine very much includes long library days, but my flatmate prefers to base herself in the flat, so this was a change for her! It got me to thinking about how different our study routines are, and how important having a routine, any routine, is important to us both, particularly me (because I can only really speak for me, after all!)

I work best when I get up early, make myself a decent breakfast (a bowl of cereal will suffice!), then make a cup of tea in my KeepCup, get dressed and basic hair and make-up done and head out in time to get a good spot in the library! I've tried sitting in various places in the library and, honestly, the section at the back of our main library, where you can still speak and eat and drink, but away from the hustle and bustle and stress of the front sections. For some reason, people are just automatically quieter there, even though its not a silent section.

I've been trying to bring my own lunch recently because it's a healthier, and cheaper, option, but I do usually need to plan something in the middle of the day to get a stretch of the legs and a breath of fresh air, even if its just nipping out and grabbing a coffee (which I try and not drink too much of because too much caffeine just makes me feel sick and anxious!).

I like to have a goal of what I need to achieved by the end of the day, and then just stay in the library until I get that finished. This (usually) means I get home at a not-to-late time and have time to make myself a decent dinner and chill out a bit before bed, writing or reading or watching Netflix or something. I also work best with music... SO much better this year since I invested in Spotify and some mew earphones.

Personally, my first step is to make sure that I have typed-up and printed all of my lecture and tutorial notes and then I go through them all, alongside their corresponding lecture slides, and turn them into mind-maps. Which aren't really mind-maps in the traditional sense, but more just lots of colourful bubbles which essentially equate to condensed versions of my notes that have slightly more chance of sticking in my head!

Now, I'm going to stop using up all my chill time writing this, take one last look over my mind-maps and get some sleep... exam number 1 is tomorrow!

Catriona x

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