Last night, 2 of my friends came over for a night of films, snacks and our annual exchange of cards and presents. It's such a cute wee tradition. So I thought it would be a good opportunity to go through some of my favourite Christmas films here!
So, in no particular order (because I couldn't bring myself to decide which of my favourites is more of my favourite than another haha), here are some of the ones I love:
1) Love Actually

With a classic all-star cast, I'm pretty sure 'Love Actually' was the first film with that now-popular script style, whereby lots of little stories are happening, but are all linked because the characters know each other in some way. Others to follow were 'Valentine's Day' and 'New Year's Eve'. I just love how heart-warming it is.. I mean, it's entirely based on the simple, yet complicated, concept of love, in its many different forms and journeys. A pretty good one for watching with friends, especially if you've already seen it a few times, because it's quite light and it doesn't matter if everyone chats through it!

2) Nativity!
Probably my second favourite Christmas film ever! I love the concept; I was always into classroom kinda stuff as a kid, like playing school and obsessing over school themed books and
films! I love how natural the performances are, because the kids are so wee, and I also love the music!

3) Miracle on 34th Street
The newer one, not the old one! My all time favourite Christmas film. This is the one film that it has been a tradition to watch every year , since I was a kid!
I just love it... the idea, the acting, the magical ending, the hope and belief it inspires in wee ones (and not-so-wee ones!)

4) Elf
My Auntie took me and my cousins to see this in the cinema when it first came out back in 2003 or 2004 (so I was 6 or 7). I'm pretty sure I enjoyed it, although my memory is vague. It wasn't until last
year, when I finished uni for the term, that I decided to buy the DVD cheap online and pop it on while I was decorating the tree. And I just got such a happy, Christmassy feeling when watching it, that it has now made the list!

5) Home Alone
A family favourite! I can't actually remember when I first saw it, but now we have hijacked my Grandad's boxset of all 4 films. I haven't got round to watching them before Christmas this year, but maybe I'll spread them out over the whole festive period and into January, haha!

I first watched this at a girls movie night at a friend's place when we were maybe 12 or 13. It must have stuck with me, because I put it on my Christmas list the following year. Its really funny, and I suppose heart-warming in the slightly unique way that all Christmas films seem to share. Worth a watch if you're up for a laugh and a less traditional film.
Other "Christmas" films ....
There are a few films that aren't exactly Christmas Films per se, but that I associate with Christmas. For example, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Frozen, and, my all-time fave: Little Women I usually read it at this time of year, but the film is excellent too!)
So, there we have it, my favourite Christmas films! What are your favourites? I think mine are mostly quite stereotypical, but oh well!