Sunday, 4 December 2016

We went to the Pantomime (Oh yes we did!) || Blogmas Day 4

Because my Dad works in the arts, he often gets complimentary tickets to events, and one of these happens to be the pantomime at His Majesty's Theatre in Aberdeen. So, yesterday afternoon, we took a trip into town as a family, to witness another hilarious and heart warming show.

This year's Aberdeen panto is Dick McWhittington, which is loosely based on Dick Whittington and the quest to free the town from rats. It featured the regular cast, including Elaine C. Smith, Jordan Young and Alan McHugh (who plays the Dame, but also writes them each year, and also happens to be an old friend of my Dad's).

I've always loved going to the panto. My Dad actually performed in professional panto many moons ago (for about 5 years I think). Although it was before I was born, his love for it definitely passed on to me, and I always look forward to panto season, whether it's the local performance where I know at least half the cast, or the polished and mega-funded extravanganzas in a major theatre, like yesterday.

And yes, panto can become quite repetitive. I mean, there's things you know will always happen. Panto will always feature the star-crossed lovers, a dame, a daft side-kick character, a baddie and her/his rival goodie, a journey which ends in a heroic act, and don't forget, a wedding (or two)! Then there's the songs: the one where the lovers gaze into one another's eyes, the baddie's big ballad and the one where they ask the audience to join in and compete with each other. And let us not forget the famous chase scene.... it's behind you!

What I always love about the Aberdeen pantomime, and this year was no exception, is that the script is always brimming with recent and relevant references and puns, up-to-date pop songs and a regional twist. Plus, Aberdeen in particular have the most amazing costumes and sets... they're unreal! When I was a bit younger, Alan McHugh took us on a backstage tour of the panto and we got to see all his dresses and they were just beautiful and colourful! The cast are incredibly talented too... they can all sing and dance so well, and are funny.... even when they have to improvise because thing don't go quite to plan!

Our pantomime trip, featuring a colourful stage and
my mum outside the theatre!
I was sat in the theatre yesterday thinking, if I'm ever lucky enough to have kids, the panto trip is a must! That said, you are NEVER to old for panto. Often, many of the jokes would go right over a kid's head, and that's another great thing: panto is pitched in a such a way that all ages can enjoy it. There were many adults in the audience yesterday... I mean, my sister and I are hardly children ourselves! And my Mum was shouting and cheering along louder than anyone! (I should know, I was busy cringing haha)

SO, if you live in the North East of Scotland, I recommend checking out the HMT panto but, if not, have a look where your nearest panto is in the coming weeks. It really is a lovely, festive trip.

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