If it's not already obvious from the general theme of most of the posts on this blog, I am a book-lover. From a young age, reading has been one of my top hobbies. I was the one kid who actually got excited when the teacher told the class to read silently, I'd stay up past lights out to finish a chapter, and I spent every weekend and holiday at the local library, checking out books and taking part in challenges and competitions. If that makes me a geek, so be it.
While, as I've talked about before, being a student has lessened the time I devote to reading for pleasure, the love has never wavered. And as I've got older, with a little more money to spend (or at least I think I do!), I've realised the wonder that is the bookshop, and particularly the effect it has on my senses.

For that reason, I have always loved to receive new books as gifts for my birthday and Christmas (ha, I knew I could get a Christmas reference in here somewhere!), will usually have at least one book on my wish list, and sometimes even splash out by treating myself during my regular Waterstones visits (which usually results in me owning lots of unread books, with my collection grower more quickly than I can read). There's something about walking around a bookshop which puts a smile on my face; it makes me feel grounded and at home.
This morning, I had an exam. I think it went ok! But I was really grateful, afterwards, to be able to let the relief wash over me and enjoy lunching with 2 of my good friends. Before heading home, we popped into a local, independent book shop called 'Toppings and Co.' and I instantly fell in love. I've been in briefly once before, but not for long enough to truly appreciate the wonder of the place! Its such a cute traditional wee shop, with Beauty and the Beast style shelve ladders and cute wee sofas to curl up with a book. I was very proud of myself for resisting temptation and remembering I have lots of unread books to get through first! But that didn't mean I couldn't indulge in a wee inhale of brilliant booky smell, right? Ok, I'll stop digging the hole...
I guess, when I feel stressed or sad, or even when I'm feeling happy and content, returning to the eternal love of a good old fashioned book is just the best. And yes, reading is definitely the perfect pastime for winter evenings curled up at home when I am freeeee from exams, so I look forward to devouring a few novels in the coming weeks! Haha!
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