Saturday, 24 December 2016

Movie time! || Blogmas Day 24

It's Christmas Eve... wow! How are you spending the day? I've made the firm decision that I shall sit and watch lots of Christmas films back-to-back. I mean, who doesn't love a Christmas film? Cheesy as anything, but it has to be done! We have a number of festive DVDs, that only get watched once a year, at Christmastime.

Last night, 2 of my friends came over for a night of films, snacks and our annual exchange of cards and presents. It's such a cute wee tradition. So I thought it would be a good opportunity to go through some of my favourite Christmas films here!

So, in no particular order (because I couldn't bring myself to decide which of my favourites is more of my favourite than another haha), here are some of the ones I love:

1) Love Actually

With a classic all-star cast, I'm pretty sure 'Love Actually' was the first film with that now-popular script style, whereby lots of little stories are happening, but are all linked because the characters know each other in some way. Others to follow were 'Valentine's Day' and 'New Year's Eve'. I just love how heart-warming it is.. I mean, it's entirely based on the simple, yet complicated, concept of love, in its many different forms and journeys. A pretty good one for watching with friends, especially if you've already seen it a few times, because it's quite light and it doesn't matter if everyone chats through it!

2) Nativity!

Probably my second favourite Christmas film ever! I love the concept; I was always into classroom kinda stuff as a kid, like playing school and obsessing over school themed books and
films! I love how natural the performances are, because the kids are so wee, and I also love the music!

3) Miracle on 34th Street

The newer one, not the old one! My all time favourite Christmas film. This is the one film that it has been a tradition to watch every year , since I was a kid!
I just love it... the idea, the acting, the magical ending, the hope and belief it inspires in wee ones (and not-so-wee ones!)

4) Elf

My Auntie took me and my cousins to see this in the cinema when it first came out back in 2003 or 2004 (so I was 6 or 7). I'm pretty sure I enjoyed it, although my memory is vague. It wasn't until last
year, when I finished uni for the term, that I decided to buy the DVD cheap online and pop it on while I was decorating the tree. And I just got such a happy, Christmassy feeling when watching it, that it has now made the list!

5) Home Alone

A family favourite! I can't actually remember when I first saw it, but now we have hijacked my Grandad's boxset of all 4 films. I haven't got round to watching them before Christmas this year, but maybe I'll spread them out over the whole festive period and into January, haha!

6) Four Christmasses

I first watched this at a girls movie night at a friend's place when we were maybe 12 or 13. It must have stuck with me, because I put it on my Christmas list the following year. Its really funny, and I suppose heart-warming in the slightly unique way that all Christmas films seem to share. Worth a watch if you're up for a laugh and a less traditional film.

Other "Christmas" films ....

There are a few films that aren't exactly Christmas Films per se, but that I associate with Christmas. For example, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Frozen, and, my all-time fave: Little Women I usually read it at this time of year, but the film is excellent too!)

So, there we have it, my favourite Christmas films! What are your favourites? I think mine are mostly quite stereotypical, but oh well!

Festive Pampering || Blogmas Day 23

I'm not usually one for pampering, not really. Never been much of a girly girl. But I think everyone likes to make themselves feel good, and to treat themselves after exams! Especially since its Christmas (that wonderful excuse for everything!)

This week, I've done that in 2 ways. First up, nails! Back in June 2015, I had my nails done with Gelish polish at a local salon for my prom night. I loved having them done, especially since I'm rubbish at nail painting, and nail polish never seems to stay on me very long either.

I loved them so much that, before starting Freshers' Week of my first ever term at uni, I decided to get them done again. I wasn't as taken with them the second time, so didn't go back for a while.

However, a few weeks ago, while I was studying, I noticed that my nails were growing nicely, so I thought I'd treat myself to an appointment in time for Christmas and my holidays.

Of course, typically, my nails all broke before the appointment came around. Actually, my nails can never be very long because a) they are weak and break (possibly a result of my childhood bad habit of biting them!), b) I have eczema and wreck my skin at night if my nails are too long, and c) I play violin and can't have my nails too long for that! But the ladies are always really good, they make your nails look neat and lovely no matter the length!

I was torn between a few red and blue shades, something festive! I settled on a glittery red, and it's so Christmassy! I hope they last at least a couple of weeks, that'd be good!

As those of you who read my LUSH haul post earlier this year will know, I'm a wee bot LUSH obsessed. last year, I went a bit mental with the Christmas range and bought/ was gifted almost every product! This year, I decided to restrict myself to 1 festive bath product, plus some more Snow Fairy shower gel (because it's just the best!).

I originally opted for 'The Magic of Christmas' bubble bar wand, because it is packed full of festive spices and scents, and also lasts several baths. However, I realised that I couldn't actually use it because one of its key ingredients is almond oil (bah humbug to nut allergies!). So, instead, I bought the 'Star Dust' bath bomb and had a wonderfully festive bath.

The Bath bomb itself is white on the outside, and smells faintly of coconut, but when it dissolves it leaves you with a lovely light blue bath that's full of multi-coloured, glittery stars!! I also added a small amount of Snow Fairy under the running tap so that I had bubbles in my bath! And the best part? Star Dust bath bomb is only £2.95!

Taking care of me makes me feel happy, and very festive! What do you like to do to get ready for the holidays? Especially let me know what goes into your favourite festive bath!

Thursday, 22 December 2016

Christmas Songs || Blogmas Day 22

When I'm at uni, I try and find time to play my violin but, in reality, I don't play it a lot outwith rehearsals for orchestra or folk and trad group.

Therefore, I decided to take it home, where I also have a guitar (but no longer a piano, since my parents gave it away.. not happy!)

I haven't played that much, but I have been enjoying strumming a few chords on guitar. I don't play guitar really, I'm sort of self teaching, and it's a hell of a lot more difficult than I thought! My fingers hurt so much when I've been playing for even 10 minutes!!

Naturally, I've been playing lots of Christmas songs. And it got me thinking about my favourite ones. There are lots of fun ones that remind me of different years, or parties, or TV adverts! But my all time favourite is definitely Fairytale of New York. It's so beautiful and sad and tragic and hopeful all at once.

I think I fell in love with it because it's my Mum's favourite Christmas song, and our favourite line is: "'I could have been someone.' 'Well, so could anyone'" It just reminds me that, in  life, there are lots of ifs and buts but, at the end of the day, if you want to make something happen, you've just got to go for it. Because potential isn't enough on its own.

A few days ago I came across a cover of this song on Facebook by two Irish girls. At first, I wasn't sure. It's really different from the original. But, I love folky sounding voices and accent twangs when people single! You could hear a pin drop as they harmonise, and I kind of fell in love with the song all over again! One of those gems that all stays relevant in the music world, I suppose Christmas songs usually do. You can watch it below:

Anyhow, that's all for today. As I mentioned in my Carol Concert post, for me music and Christmas go hand in hand! What are your favourite Christmas songs?

Film Review: 'Moana' || Blogmas Day 21

Today, one of my lovely blogging friends and I met up in town for a wee cinema and lunch date.

I decided to get a train that would get me into town exactly an hour before I needed to meet her, because I had a few last minute things to buy. I had made a list, and was determined to stick to it, and just get what I need. And, for once, it worked! I loved shopping that way: feeling productive and organised instead of wandering aimlessly around shopping centres for hours with no idea what to buy and getting no where!

Anyway, we met up in time to go to a 12:00 showing of 'Moana'. Now, being away at uni and having exams, I hadn't had a chance to see this film yet, but my friend, who has a Cineworld Unlimited card, had already seen it at least once, maybe twice, but was keen to show it to me all the same.

I'm definitely a Disney fan, I think they produce magical films and beautiful soundtracks. However, I have never been overly enthused by animation, so I suppose Disney is my exception. I'm not obsessed, but I appreciate it in small quantities!

'Moana' didn't disappoint. It was a classic Disney tale: young girl wishes to defy the path her family have planned for her, and undertakes a journey which will save her community and family and prove her worthy of heroic status.

The setting was very different from other films, in that it was on mythical islands in a very exotic location (as far as I am aware, there is no real-life association with the location, however, without wishing to sound racist as a result of naivety, I think a sort of South American influence is definitely present). To be honest, the ethnicity of the characters is rather unimportant, what fuels the storyline is their sense of community, strong links with their ancestry, and, in my opinion, a very powerful female lead.

Disney have had lots of strong female characters in recent years, but what especially impressed me about 'Moana' was that, in no way whatsoever did it rely on a romantic storyline. There wasn't even a hint of one. Instead, family was very important, as was friendship and, in particular, nature.

Returning to what might seem like a basic idea of elements was one of the things which I think really made 'Moana' special. The importance of loving and caring for our environmental only gets more relevant by the day, and the idea of simplicity and well-being being linked to that caring attitude and awareness may seem a bit hippy to some, but it was done just right in this film, quite subtly but with undertones of morality, which you find in every Disney film.

The second thing I think was really special about this film was the music. Disney never let s us down with heart-wrenching and catchy tunes. My friend was in tears by 5 minutes in! The music really does control your emotions, but I love letting it. Definitely a soundtrack I would return too.

Not exactly a Christmas film, but a lovely one to watch with family or friends over the holidays. And suitable for every age!

Tuesday, 20 December 2016

2016 Book #8 (+ 8.5) (Review): 'On the Other Side' (+ 'Winters' Snow') by Carrie Hope Fletcher || Blogmas Day 20

Ok, I know I'm taking the mick a bit with the ridiculously long title of this post, but I'm struggling enough with one post a day and so I don't really have the time or material for two! A bit of a cop out, I know, but there we go!

Anyhow, being a big fan of Carrie, I pre-ordered this book, which came out in July, while I was on holiday in Ireland. I therefore didn't get a chance to pick it up until I came home, and then it took me ages (and I mean ages!) to get started. When Carrie announced that she was releasing a novella ('Winters' Snow) as a follow up extra at the beginning of November, I decided it was about time I got it read, even if it meant that I read 2 pages a night before bed and it took me until Sunday just passed (which is totally not what happened...)

I could tell from the off-set that 'On the Other Side' wasn't quite like the sort of books I usually read. On one hand, the characters are very believable, as is the storyline. Then all of a sudden there's a shift into a magical world, where seemingly ordinary characters seem completely accepting of weird and wonderful goings on around them. Furthermore, the narrative is at times quite child-like, almost as though I could read it to a wee one as a bedtime story, particularly right at the start. Then, all of a sudden, there was a fairly descriptive love scene, or at least mention of it, and it became a YA novel again.

Those of you who have been reading my reviews for a while will know that I don't like to include spoilers. I know that 'real' reviewers are usually less cautious, but I personally quite like the teasing effect; giving readers a general taste for what I'm reviewing, enough that they fancy reading or watching, but not enough to give the storyline away. I will however do my usual brief summary: Evie Snow has passed away, but she cannot move into her own personal heaven without returning to the living world and letting go of the secrets she's been keeping about her past, from those closest too her. But some pretty big fibs might need to be admitted to along the way, in her quest to be reunited with her true love.

Despite what I said earlier, 'On the Other Side' (and 'Winters' Snow' for that matter) is a magical read. It's very uplifting; riddled with clichés, yes, yet kind of beautiful, and certainly gets y
our emotions flowing. It's tragic, yet hopeful. A weird and wonderful love story.

I'll admit, I'm not, as a rule and even in this case, the biggest fan of the combination of real-life and fantasy, but this book did get me thinking, which I think Carrie intended, about how we really know  what's real? Why shouldn't walls be living and birds act as notebooks, and hearts be removable, only to blossom as magical trees that only flower after a storm. Whose to say what happens to us after death, really? Well, enough of the teasers.

Overall, I think this is a very sweet and worthwhile read. Not my cup of tea really, but so unique, I really haven't ever come across a story like it. Plus wee novella's are always great, short reads. Perfect for mending that horrible longing we bookworms get after finishing a good book.

I'm off the cinema with one of my lovely blogging friends tomorrow, so it may well be another review Blogmas. But we're very nearly there! Only 5 days of Blogmas to go!

Christmas Baking Fail || Blogmas Day 19

So, one of the things I was really keen to do as part of Blogmas was to bake some sort of festive treat (in all my newly acquired free time!) and write all about it. Like something a professional lifestyle blogger/vlogger would do haha!

I decided I'd really like to try and make cranberry and orange muffins because, last year, Costa sold delicious orange and cranberry muffins (which I practically lived on during exams!) , but they didn't do them this year which is gutting! I didn't expect them to be anywhere near as good as the Costa ones, but home-baking has a... erm... quality, right? Wrong, apparently.

It took a while, but I finally found a suitable recipe online that didn't seem too complicated! I'll link it at the end of this post. Anyway, I took a trip to the wee Coop store at the garage this morning to get all my ingredients, then came home, blasted some Christmas tunes (before my speaker ran out of charge... that should have been my first clue that the morning wouldn't be a successful one!) and got started with the recipe.

Clue number 2: I forgot to buy eggs! I was off out to the shops again, meaning I was now running out of time to get it all done before I had to leave for work.

Everything seemed to be going fine, and the mixture was in the oven. I had lots of washing up and cleaning to do... I'm the messiest baker in the world! But that was fine, I was on track.

Then my timer went off and the muffins looked golden on top, just as it said on the recipe. So I got them out, and let them cool while I finished cleaning up.

However, on further inspection, they seemed so uncooked! So I popped them back in .

I made an icing to drizzle on top, with the freshly squeezed orange juice from the oranges I grated for the mixture.

But the muffins didn't seem to be getting any less, well, liquidy. And I had to get them out in time to let them cool and ice them.

Well, I tried to. But the glaze-effect I was going for didn't exactly work either. They just looked kind of half-hearted haha!

I had to run for work, so I left my dribbly messes of muffins and texted my sister to try one and bin them if they weren't cooked... before my mum served them up to guests or something!

She didn't try them, but Mum did. It appears the bin was their home after all. What a waste of time, money, and perfectly good ingredients.

So much for the picture perfect plate of goodies! Ah well, perhaps I should steer clear of the baking. It's clearly not my calling.

Monday, 19 December 2016

Party Season! || Blogmas Day 18

Last night was our work night out. I'll be honest, as I was getting ready, I couldn't really be bothered going out. I think the lack of sleep over the exam period (and entire semester to be honest) caught up with me a bit, and I was just in the mood to have a bath, get into my PJs, watch a film and eat pizza!

A wee snap of my sister and I before heading out
But, I got myself ready (with a last minute change of dress because I somehow managed to get some kind of mark on the first one, which then lead to a whole change in jewellery etc.!) and actually had a great time.

The food was nice... I was starving, and kind of wished I'd ordered a starter, but oh well! I had a delicious main: cod with cockles and kale mash, kale and carrots. It was fab.

There was a bit of a hiccup when it came to dessert. My friend and I had both ordered lemon parfait because it was the only nut-free option on the menu, and we are both allergic. But when it arrived, it
had nuts sprinkled on top! The staff were good about it, and quickly made us up new ones, but we thought it quite bad that it hadn't been listed on the menu, and that there was in fact no nut-free option! The dessert ended up being very rich, but lovely all the same.

It was nice to have a few drinks, and the evening took rather a silly turn, with people engaging in some sort of arm wrestle tournament at one point, haha!

We then moved onto the pub, and I tried a lovely peach beer I hadn't had before.

Most of the people I knew well had headed home, so I skipped on the night club (it was absolutely pouring outside too, so I took a lift home when I could), but we stayed at the pub until it shut, and that was plenty time to chat to everyone and wish everyone a wonderful Christmas.

Just scrolling through Facebook and Instagram, it is definitely the season for work dos at the moment! Restaurants and bars are always packed with parties on the run up to Christmas.

If you're off out with colleagues this week, I hope you have a lovely time!

Catriona xx

Sunday, 18 December 2016

17 days worth of Advent calendar at once! || Blogmas Day 17

I'm home!! It's so nice to be amongst my family, sitting in a living room full of lights and decorations, my stocking hanging on the wall.

Tonight is our work Christmas night out which will be a lovely chance to get dressed up, eat nice food and catch up with lots of people. Maybe a cheeky wee drink too, I mean, it's Christmas time after all!

You may remember from my very first Blogmas, that I was without an Advent calendar. However, my Mum recently ordered 4 Advent candles (she's a very organised person who likes to be well
prepared... 4 years in advance prepared apparently!), and the company accidently sent her 4 Advent calendars instead. Fairtrade chocolate ones. So we all have one each!

That is how I found myself arriving home from uni with 17 chocolates to catch up on! I managed to resist and just have a couple for now, wouldn't want to spoil my dinner. Well, I wouldn't mind but I thought I better at least try and be good. They'll most likely be gone by tomorrow.

Now, it's about time I started getting ready for tonight.. It always takes me far longer than I account for. I'm already starving. The meal's not till half 8. This could be a long evening, perhaps those chocolates will be gone sooner than I thought...

Friday, 16 December 2016

Christmas Jumper Day || Blogmas Day 16

Happy Christmas Jumper Day! The annual occasion on which to wear the silliest festive attire in the name of charity! Since I had to work this evening, in uniform, I couldn't wear mine for very long. But it still made a brief appearance!

As fun as it is, seeing all the Christmas jumpers and pictures (and there really are some gorgeous Christmas jumpers out there this year!), there is a purpose to this day, and that it to raise money for Charity. I know that lots of charities do a Christmas Jumper day, but the big on this year was Save the Children, and so I made a wee donation. If you can, it's definitely worth while. They are a wonderful charity doing lots to help young people both here in the UK, and overseas, with much of their latest fundraising going to their current campaigns for child refugees and young victims of violence in Syria.

There's actually a Save the Children society here at the University of St. Andrews and, while I'm not a  member, I supported another campaign they were involved in last month, in association with the Samaritan's Purse, called 'Operation Christmas Child', which involves filling shoe boxes of gift and necessities for young people who will receive nothing else this Christmas.

The Shoe Box Appeal is something I always loved to help with as a child. I enjoyed going shopping with my Dad for the little gifts and then wrapping up the box, knowing that such simple things as a toothbrush or small toy would put a big smile on a child's face. So it was partly out of nostalgia that I got involved this year but also because I'm a big fan of charity, and I think particularly at this time of year it's really important to give what we can and remember those with little.

Not exactly selfless, because it makes me feel good and I enjoy it. And I may be a student who can only donate a very small amount to any given charity at any one time. But it's still better that nothing, right?

So, this Christmas, I hope you can dig deep. Even if it's just a pound or two, and no matter what charity or group you select. Spread a wee bit of Christmas joy! And keep sporting your Christmas jumpers. I mean, soon they'll be stored away for another year after all!

Celebration time! || Blogmas Day 15

Wooooooo! Exams are over!

It's been a very long day. I was up really early, showered, dressed, bag packed and out the door, and sat in the union café with porridge, tea and plenty revision materials by 08:45.

I worked really hard for a few hours, trying my best to make best use of the remaining time, learning quotes and making sure I knew lots about all my novels. Then, at 2pm, it was time for my third and final exam, this one being in Comparative Literature.

I think it went well, although I'm rubbish at time keeping so I'm always rushing at the end with lots still to write! But hey, to be honest I'm just super relieved to be finished. I still don't think it's fully set in that I'm free for Christmas now!

Anyway, the exam ended at 4 so my flatmate (who's been finished exams for nearly a week now!) and I decided to go out for dinner to celebrate. I was so happy because I got exactly what I had been craving while I was feeling really ill over revision: mussels and chips, and a couple of cocktails! I know, I have strange taste, but it hit the spot haha! The restaurant was really nice too, I had only been
there for drinks and ceilidhs before, but the food was great. The place was festive, but not over the top in terms of decoration, and the staff were really friendly too. That just added to my enjoyment of the whole evening.

It's just been a really nice, guilt free night. I'm exhausted now though, the stress of exams has drained me haha! Feel like I could sleep for a week, but got an early start tomorrow for a doctors appointment unfortunately so better get to bed soon. Or maybe I'll watch some Netflix first, I mean, what's stopping me now?! ...

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Missing Dad's birthday (and my sanity) || Blogmas Day 14

First of all, a big Happy Blogmas Birthday to my Dad! I won't say how old he is... but old enough!

It's kind of weird not being able to wish him Happy Birthday in person, and see him open his pressie. This time last year, I was done with exams and at home.

When we were younger, we felt bad for Dad, having a birthday overshadowed by Christmas preparations, so Mum never let us put up the tree until after, and I always used to give Dad the chocolate out of my advent calendar on his birthday. But Dad has never himself been all that bothered I don't think. And I'm pretty sure he's going to be away when it's my birthday, so all is ok haha! We actually went out for dinner to celebrate when I was home a couple of weeks ago, and I bought him a present and card and left them in the (hopefully capable) hands of my wee sister, so hopefully he'll like them. Gutted to be missing cake though!

I was a bit of a Daddy's girl as a kid, and it was cute looking back at old pictures of us together earlier this year, for a MoonPig Fathers' Day card. So I thought I'd share the wee collage here too. Wasn't I adorable? Haha.

Exams are almost over! I have my last one tomorrow. Both my flatmates (and the majority of my friends) are now totally done, which is making me slightly jealous, but I just need to find the motivation to keep going for another 24 hours and then it will all be over!

I'm procrastinating writing this, so I think I'm going to have to cut it here. But as of tomorrow I'm a freeeee elf! Roll on tomorrow night!

Back to my stack of literature for now. When I get home on Saturday, I'm going into full Chrimbo mode! (move over, birthday boy, it's Jesus' turn)

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Calling all Bloggers: New Bloglovin' account!

Hey guys!

Just a quick note to say that I hadn't realised that, when I rebranded my blog earlier this year, I actually needed to update my bloglovin' too! So any of you guys with an account, I would very much appreciate a follow! You can do so here: Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Thank in advance and happy blogging,
Catriona xx

Always time for tea || Blogmas Day 13

Earlier this year, I wrote a blog post called 'Wee Gems', about those few special people who you meet, and just feel like they are genuinely good and nice, right to the core.

I am lucky enough to have a friend like that, and today we finally got a couple of hours to catch up over a cup of tea.

It was the perfect revision break, just enjoying each others company. It's so lovely to have people I can say anything to, and it isn't dwelt upon, but definitely listened to. Not necessarily best friends who know all about you and your past and your dreams, and are there all the time going through life with you. They're important too, very important. But I know I'm definitely the type of person who loves to make friends with lots of different people, from different groups, different backgrounds, and different walks of life. When I'm lucky enough to keep up a friendship with someone I met like that, however rarely we meet up or however fleeting our initial communication/meeting was, I know it's truly two way, and will hopefully last!

It's nice to be there for their hardships, and share in their happiness. And the best bit is being able to not see each other for ages, and yet pick right back where you left off. This afternoon was one of those times!

I will always appreciate a good friend, a good chinwag, and a good cup of tea! So, considering I'm still not feeling 100%, I appreciated her visit.

It made me reflect on how lucky I am friend-wise. I have great flatmates, and friends both here and at home. Granted, I do my very best to make a lot of effort to keep up these friendships, but so do they, and that means a lot.

I'm going to wrap it up before this gets (any more) soppy, but I'd love to hear about the people and moments you value in your life.

And, remember, when you're tired or weary, or have lots to be doing, there's always time for tea!

Tis the season to be poorly... || Blogmas Day 12

So... apologies that this is a bit late, very un-festive, and going to be short! Unfortunately I haven't been feeling fab.

I had an exam this afternoon which I think went pretty well, but revising was a bit of a struggle because I haven't been on top form!

What is it about the run up to Christmas, eh? Everyone seems to be coming down with something or other! I suppose it's a combination of cold weather, exam stress, weak immune systems and the gradual unwinding, when our bodies start to slightly relax and all the tension that has been building up manifests itself in a bug of some sort!

I can't really complain, I mean the lack of appetite has only been doing good things for me really haha! And getting the poorly period over now means that (fingers crossed!) I'll be back on top form for actual Christmas!

Anyhow, I have a bit of a headache, and an early start tomorrow, so I'm going to end this miserable excuse of a Blogmas post!

But, if anyone reading this is feeling a bit under the weather, particularly if you're combining that with trying to finish your exams, I feel ya! Get yourself an early night and a Lemsip, and you'll battle through! Just think of all the festive treats we can  enjoy when we're feeling brighter! At the end of the day, we could always be worse off (cheesy, but I gotta write positive to be positive haha).

Catriona xx

Sunday, 11 December 2016

Fam || Blogmas Day 11

A work in progress ...
seems like Dad's doing most of it!
I was sitting in the library this afternoon, feeling positive about my study, but increasingly tired and suffering from a stomach ache, when I received a message from my Mum, with a photo of the family all putting the tree up, captioned "Missing you!" In that moment, I would have given anything to skip forward a week and be at home with the fam, carefree and in high spirits.

That wee pang of homesickness got me thinking about how important family is, and particularly at Christmas. I mean, Christmas is all about being with the family and spreading the love. If I was on my own (and I don't mean single, because fat chance of that changing in the next fortnight haha!), I don't know if or how I would celebrate, despite being a huge fan of Christmas. The build up is pretty special, but the actual day, for me, is about spending time with my family.

It got me thinking about the many poor souls who do spend Christmas alone, or have to spend it away from their families because of their jobs. And those who have (perhaps recently) lost a loved one and will be spending their first Christmas without them. I'll definitely spare them a thought next week when I'm enjoying family time.

This year, for the first time, we have been invited to spend Christmas day at my Uncle's place. He's having the whole family over.. so there will be approx. 15 people for Christmas dinner! That will be the biggest family Christmas I have ever been a part of, and, while I equally appreciate quiet Christmasses at home, I'm looking forward to a wee change and to seeing everybody.

Going home wouldn't mean anything if I was going home to an empty house. Family is a very important part of the holiday, and I hope that some time (way) in the future, I'll have a family of my own to create Christmas traditions with. But, for now, I will be trying to remember to tell my fam I love and miss them, whenever it feels right, because I do, and it's always nice to say and hear.

Would love to hear in the comments who you spend Christmas with, and if being with your family is a necessity for you on Christmas, or maybe not?

Exam 2 of 3 tomorrow, so I'm going to call it a night. Much love <3

Saturday, 10 December 2016

1 week left! || Blogmas Day 10

Despite the fact that this is Blogmas, I haven't become dreadfully confused as a result of mind-boggling revision... well I have, but it hasn't caused me to miscount the weeks until Christmas. I'm well aware we still have a fortnight to go.

What my title alludes to is when Christmas start for me. Home time!! I love uni, I really do, but at the end of any term (school, college, uni, etc.), when you can see the finish line, certain feeling occur.

You're permanently exhausted. You feel guilty for not doing enough work, but have probably spent so long reading your notes that you're bored of all your modules. You're sick of cooking and cleaning. You're skint. If you're anything like me, you're probably run down with the cold or just not feelings 100% as a result of the stress. Most of all, you're homesick.

This probably seems like a total rant, and I'm sorry if it comes across that way. Not very festive, right? Wrong. I use everything in my power to keep myself and my friends as positive as possible, to put three wee exams into proportion in the grand scheme of things and try and actually enjoy my studies. And it's working, I'm feeling pretty happy overall.

But, as I talked about in Blogmas Day 5, being a student in December can't come across as constantly festive. I promise I have fun festive posts planned. But anyone reading this will just have to wait as long as me. 1 weeks left!

So I shall keep playing my Christmas tunes and snacking on my mince pies, enjoying the Christmas lights and the cosiness of my house after winter walks home. And I will work very very hard for another few days, so that I can know that, whatever happens, I gave these exams my all. And I will look forward to the reward, to seeing my family and chilling out. Just 1 week left. That's nothing.

Friday, 9 December 2016

Winter Weather || Blogmas Day 9

It's quite late, I'm not long home from work and I have to be up very early to start work again in the morning, and I'm hoping to goodness I haven't already bored everyone with the 'imaginative' title. Yes, I have turned into an old Granny and decided to talk about the weather, my life is just THAT interesting!

To be fair, however, weather plays a huge role in how we define seasons: the sunshine & showers combo of spring, the early sunrises and warm summer days, the crunchy leaves and blowing gales of Autumn, and the wild and frosty, dark winter.

Having (now) spent more of my life in Scotland than anywhere else, I'm fairly used to rotten weather. Wind and rain doesn't shock me. In fact, part of me quite likes it. However, in winter, when it's dark when you wake up and you can hear the shrieking wind or pounding rain, it can be difficult to get yourself up and out and make the most of the day. Winter weather can make us feel like hibernating, with Christmas films and hot drinks, and never leaving the comfort of our houses.

But who else quite likes being outdoors in nasty weather, frozen and miserable, and then coming inside to a warm house and comfy sofa or bed? Yeah, there's something pretty special about that feeling.

A blurry winter pic of my sister and I (I think in 2010?)

What I really miss is snow. I've loved the few years when we have had snow, and I mean PROPER snow. 2010 was one of those years, and it was fab... Loads of time off school, sledging, a snowman. Yes, I'm a big kid who wants the magical whiteness to Christmas-fy everything haha. It's not fair, there's snow in all the films! Stupid global warming. Still, there's time left, we might get a white Christmas yet!

Right, I think my rather horrific stint at weather girl is over, because I need some sleep. I apologies that this was a bit of a damp and dreach post (see what I did there!) but I'm an emotional soul who is moved by the weather, so there you go!

And also, "Iiiii'm dreeaming of a whiiiiite Christmaaas, just like the ones I used to know...."

Thursday, 8 December 2016

Carol Concert || Blogmas Day 8

While it has so far tended to be the Christmas pop songs blasting from my speaker as I study and procrastinate, I do love a good Christmas carol. As someone brought up attending church, traditional carolling has always been a part of Christmas tradition for me, from  Sunday school, to Watchnight Service.

Trying to stay positive and see your friends in the height of exam season can sometimes seem a bit of a chore, so 2 of my friends and I decided to meet up and go along to a Carol Service being held at a church in the town centre in aid of the charity Worldwide Cancer Research. There was lots of singing, festive readings, and plenty of mince pies and mulled wine to be had afterwards.

Two local school choirs performed beautiful renditions of traditional English Christmas songs ('The First Noel' and 'In the Bleak Mid Winter') and then made us all feel rather inferior by adding in all the harmonies to the group singing! Just kidding, it was really nice. Actually, I think it was made all the nicer because there weren't that many students there, and yet the place was packed, the pews filled with members of the local community.

Music has always been a very important and very present part of my life (see my very old post ''Thank you for the music'). My mum has always sung to me and around the house, from a very young age, and I have been brought up to appreciate listening to music., Therefore, I definitely associate it with happiness and contentment, and Christmas Carols are no different. Singing in a group makes me feel warm and fuzzy, and that feeling is only improved by the chance to donate a pound or two to charity at the same time! Plus it's always good to stay sane by leaving the house, your laptop and your studies and seeing real live people!

I haven't decided whether or not I'll make it to church at home this festive season, we shall see. But I am certainly glad to have got in some carolling, and may even go to another concert when the next revision break is required!

For now, though, I'm once again exhausted, so it's definitely time to read for a short while and get some sleep! That's if I can get this organ music out of my head!!

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

We have a tree! || Blogmas Day 7

Today I got home from work at about half past 2, happy but tired. I started work at 7:45am and so needed to leave the house about 7:10am, which was fine. I had 2 alarms set, but for some reason I spent the entire night waking up approximately once an hour. And, if that wasn't bad enough, each time I woke up I was in a total panic that I had slept through my alarm and had to anxiously check my phone to calm myself down, before attempting to get back to sleep until my next wave of anxiety hit! I don't know what I was dreaming about, but whatever it was clearly wasn't very soothing!

So as I was walked home in the rain, I was expecting to arrive back to a cold, dark, quiet house and an impending guilt to do revision.

However, as I opened the front door, I was greeted by jolly Christmas tunes and the sight of my flatmate, who had almost finished decorating a six foot Christmas tree in our living room with 100 miniature baubles, tinsel and fairy lights, as well as sparkly tinsel around our cabinets and banister.

It was so sweet, and just made the house feel far more homely, and put a smile on a tired face.

The tree is currently star-less (I have ordered a glittery gold one to arrive tomorrow, and I also added several more baubles after taking the pictures), but I think it still looks pretty special.

My family will be putting up our tree at home this weekend, while I'm still at uni studying for exams, so it was just really nice to have that hour or so joking with my flatmate and embracing the festive cheer.

It's been a long day, but I'm off to bed feeling quite happy, and ready to kick ass at revising tomorrow! Haha.

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Nothing beats a new book || Blogmas Day 6

Going to be totally honest, I didn't really (and still don't) know what I was going to write today. I'm glad I'm doing Blogmas, because it keeps me writing, but I think my posts will become far more festive once these exams are all behind me! I have lots planned for future posts, but I'm afraid there may be a few random ones until I get into fully festive mode!

If it's not already obvious from the general theme of most of the posts on this blog, I am a book-lover. From a young age, reading has been one of my top hobbies. I was the one kid who actually got excited when the teacher told the class to read silently, I'd stay up past lights out to finish a chapter, and I spent every weekend and holiday at the local library, checking out books and taking part in challenges and competitions. If that makes me a geek, so be it.

While, as I've talked about before, being a student has lessened the time I devote to reading for pleasure, the love has never wavered. And as I've got older, with a little more money to spend (or at least I think I do!), I've realised the wonder that is the bookshop, and particularly the effect it has on my senses.

I am at risk of sounding very weird when I say this, but there is nothing like the smell and feel of brand new books, crisp and unread, just waiting to have their stories discovered. I just love to hold a new book, give it a whiff, and then delve in and enter a whole new world....

For that reason, I have always loved to receive new books as gifts for my birthday and Christmas (ha, I knew I could get a Christmas reference in here somewhere!), will usually have at least one book on my wish list, and sometimes even splash out by treating myself during my regular Waterstones visits (which usually results in me owning lots of unread books, with my collection grower more quickly than I can read). There's something about walking around a bookshop which puts a smile on my face; it makes me feel grounded and at home.

This morning, I had an exam. I think it went ok! But I was really grateful, afterwards, to be able to let the relief wash over me and enjoy lunching with 2 of my good friends. Before heading home, we popped into a local, independent book shop called 'Toppings and Co.' and I instantly fell in love. I've been in briefly once before, but not for long enough to truly appreciate the wonder of the place! Its such a cute traditional wee shop, with Beauty and the Beast style shelve ladders and cute wee sofas to curl up with a book. I was very proud of myself for resisting temptation and remembering I have lots of unread books to get through first! But that didn't mean I couldn't indulge in a wee inhale of brilliant booky smell, right? Ok, I'll stop digging the hole...

I guess, when I feel stressed or sad, or even when I'm feeling happy and content, returning to the eternal love of a good old fashioned book is just the best. And yes, reading is definitely the perfect pastime for winter evenings curled up at home when I am freeeee from exams, so I look forward to devouring a few novels in the coming weeks! Haha!

Monday, 5 December 2016

Being a Student in December || Blogmas Day 5

My first exam is in the morning, so I'm going to keep this short, and hopefully not too depressing haha!

As much as I love this time of year, unfortunately it can't be all fun and games. And whether you're at school, college or university, being a student in December is not as much fun as it seems because we are bang smack in the middle of deadlines and exams!

While the Christmas tunes and study breaks involving festivities are great, and I must say that this year in particular they have kept me up-beat, it's hard to properly let yourself embrace the joy when you're stressed with how much work you still have to complete!

All the shops and businesses around town are rubbing Christmas in your face. It's like they're dangling it within arms reach, but then snatching it away as you turn the corner and the library looms in front of you haha!

This morning, I left to walk to town in the early morning winter frost, got myself a Christmas coffee, and then spent so long in the library that my walk home was lit by the moon and the glistening Christmas lights as I made my way through town and back home.

I love my studies, and in a weird way find them even more interesting when I'm revising and have little time left to really enjoy them haha. But it's hard work, and not exactly festive! Plus, it makes it waaaaay too tempting to eat too many festive treats and neglect my exercise routine!

On the whole, I'm not in a bad mood at all. Just 2 more weeks of long library days, when I leave the house early and return in the pitch black, fuelled by red cups! Just 2 more weeks of stress. And then I'll appreciate being home for Christmas all the more.

Sunday, 4 December 2016

We went to the Pantomime (Oh yes we did!) || Blogmas Day 4

Because my Dad works in the arts, he often gets complimentary tickets to events, and one of these happens to be the pantomime at His Majesty's Theatre in Aberdeen. So, yesterday afternoon, we took a trip into town as a family, to witness another hilarious and heart warming show.

This year's Aberdeen panto is Dick McWhittington, which is loosely based on Dick Whittington and the quest to free the town from rats. It featured the regular cast, including Elaine C. Smith, Jordan Young and Alan McHugh (who plays the Dame, but also writes them each year, and also happens to be an old friend of my Dad's).

I've always loved going to the panto. My Dad actually performed in professional panto many moons ago (for about 5 years I think). Although it was before I was born, his love for it definitely passed on to me, and I always look forward to panto season, whether it's the local performance where I know at least half the cast, or the polished and mega-funded extravanganzas in a major theatre, like yesterday.

And yes, panto can become quite repetitive. I mean, there's things you know will always happen. Panto will always feature the star-crossed lovers, a dame, a daft side-kick character, a baddie and her/his rival goodie, a journey which ends in a heroic act, and don't forget, a wedding (or two)! Then there's the songs: the one where the lovers gaze into one another's eyes, the baddie's big ballad and the one where they ask the audience to join in and compete with each other. And let us not forget the famous chase scene.... it's behind you!

What I always love about the Aberdeen pantomime, and this year was no exception, is that the script is always brimming with recent and relevant references and puns, up-to-date pop songs and a regional twist. Plus, Aberdeen in particular have the most amazing costumes and sets... they're unreal! When I was a bit younger, Alan McHugh took us on a backstage tour of the panto and we got to see all his dresses and they were just beautiful and colourful! The cast are incredibly talented too... they can all sing and dance so well, and are funny.... even when they have to improvise because thing don't go quite to plan!

Our pantomime trip, featuring a colourful stage and
my mum outside the theatre!
I was sat in the theatre yesterday thinking, if I'm ever lucky enough to have kids, the panto trip is a must! That said, you are NEVER to old for panto. Often, many of the jokes would go right over a kid's head, and that's another great thing: panto is pitched in a such a way that all ages can enjoy it. There were many adults in the audience yesterday... I mean, my sister and I are hardly children ourselves! And my Mum was shouting and cheering along louder than anyone! (I should know, I was busy cringing haha)

SO, if you live in the North East of Scotland, I recommend checking out the HMT panto but, if not, have a look where your nearest panto is in the coming weeks. It really is a lovely, festive trip.

Saturday, 3 December 2016

A dying tradition? || Blogmas Day 3

The beginning of December means it's time to try and get ahead in the postal queues and get my Christmas cards written!

I must admit, I love writing cards. I love stationary and pens, and writing out addresses and affixing a stamp. As one of my favourite authors as a child, Jean Ure, once referred to it: "Snail Mail".

Don't get me wrong, I'm a lover of all things technology and social media too, but nothing beats putting pen to paper and pouring out the words cramming up your head! For the last 4+ years, I've been writing regularly to my pen pal. So far, we've never met, but we get on so well, and I really love the feeling of picking out notepaper and pen and blocking out the virtual world for an hour! Plus having a letter come for you, that you know someone has had to sit down and take proper time to write to you, is oddly satisfying! And just in case she happens top be reading, if it wasn't for Holly, I probably wouldn't have been inspired to re-start my blog for the third time, and I'd be one amazing friend fewer! So thank you <3

Ok, enough of the cheesiness haha! Actually, not sure why I'm promising that, because what's Blogmas without all the cheese!?

But, back the point. I don't care how amazingly animated the latest e-card is, or how much money you save by sending a text, when Christmas cards line the walls, the whole house radiates festive spirit and love.

And you know those people who you never really speak to throughout the year, but still feel obliged to send a Christmas card to? You question if they should even make the list this year, or of your just kidding yourself you're popular by hanging onto the last dregs of a long-finished relationship, but does it not still make you feel happy to know that, at a time when people are stressed, busy and yet
celebrating what and who they most love, that annual card still makes it to you, and yours to them?

And you can do a wee bit of charitable good in purchasing cards too .. I always try and buy ones which donate a percentage to charity. So, for example, the ones pictured evenly distribute 15% of profits evenly between 3 charities. I know it's only a little, but it's better than nothing!

So, I am very tired after a very long day haha, and this hasn't made the most sense ever, but basically, if you're considering passing on the Christmas card writing this year, because it's time consuming or you can't be bothered, think about the festive magic in those envelopes, and how much they'll be appreciated ... and then maybe just send to fewer people instead!

Friday, 2 December 2016

Christmas Shopping || Blogmas Day 2

Since I'm at home, the queen of procrastination, and know myself well enough to know that I would not cope with the stress of leaving Christmas shopping until the 19th December, I decided to go into town for a few hours yesterday and buy the gifts I needed to. When I did my Christmas shopping last year, I was so in the mood. I don't know why, but by the time I got into town yesterday, with absolutely no idea what I wanted to buy anyone, and the stress of piles of revision back home, I just wasn't in the shopping mood. That said, I managed to get almost everything (including a lot of unnecessary treats for me... oops!) and meet a friend for coffee too.

Christmas shopping is one of those things that shouldn't be as stressful as it is. But somehow we let the drama of the whole experience wind us up every year. What should I get for so and so? Is he/she going to get me a present? What did I get them last year, and what did they get me? Would they really like such and such? It's daft really, but I think under all the materialism, there really is an element of genuinely wanting to make someone happy... particularly if you're going to be spending the money anyway! My shopping list is fairly small really- just my family a small number of close friends to buy for- but I still get a buzz out of picking out things I know they'll love, or luxuries I know they wouldn't buy for themselves.

It might have only been December 1st, but the shops were well prepared (actually I think most shops have been knee-deep in the festivities for over a month now!). It was really nice walking through the city and seeing all the lights and trees, excited children and families, up beat tunes and winter
fragrances. Now, just in case any of them read this, I can't say what I bought people, but its fair to say I was pretty happy heading home on the packed train. Done for another year: the familiar sigh of relief crossed with a pang of longing for more Christmas cheer filled me. But mostly I was tired and weary (having been up since half 6 to go swimming) and ready to head home and snuggle up watching I'm A Celebrity.

But there was one fun part of the present-buying experience left..... wrapping! Despite being a terrible present wrapper (seriously, last year my sister did most of mine for me I'm so bad!) there's nothing I love more than picking a roll of shiny paper and decorating the parcels with gift tags, ribbons and bows. Since I still have a couple of small things to pick up to complete my gifts, I could only do a wee bit of wrapping, but I am loving the simple, but colourful paper I have chosen this year!

Now, unfortunately, it's a bit of a crash back to reality as I face the fact that I have exams starting at the beginning of next week, and I am at the worst stage of the inevitable, annual pre-exam cold. But hey, I may be tired and not feeling particularly festive right now, but the Christmas tunes are playing while I type, and I am determined not to lose the warm fuzzy feeling of seeing all the lights and shop fronts as I bought gifts for the people I love.

What's your views on Christmas shopping: heaven or hell? Have you, like me, spent more money on things to get yourself through these winter weeks (come on, we students work hard, and Christmas is only once a year, right?!) than anything else?  Have you found a perfect present? Would love to hear in the comments!

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Advent already?! || Blogmas Day 1

Welcome to Blogmas on Draft One!

How it is already December 1st is beyond me! 2016 seems to have just flown by!

Yesterday, I came home for a few days, because I currently have a revision week before my exams start, and thought it would be nice to catch up with family and friends, and study in the comfort of a quiet, clean house with my meals made for me haha! I'm here until Sunday, and so I thought it would be nice to use this first Blogmas post to list a few of the nice things that being home for the beginning of advent means for me!

1) Mince Pies. Last night I had my first mince pie of the year. My mum always makes sure the house is well stocked with them... and the run up to Christmas just wouldn't be the same without them.

2) Winter Sky. Ok, so everywhere has been experiencing beautiful sunsets lately, but there's something about the winter sky in my wee town in the North of Scotland which is just phenomenal.

3) Local Christmas lights. Every small town has their own version of mediocre, poorly funded lights that somehow we all kind of love anyway, right? My town is no exception. Every year something goes wrong... either they haphazardly sling the fairy lights onto the tree, the whole tree is swept away by the coastal wind, nothing happens when the chosen wee kid hits the button which should illuminate the town, or, in this year's case, the Santa looks well, not quite as he should do! But, you know what, it makes them all the more homely and special. Who needs professional lights anyway haha! My friends and I had a lovely wee walk down to the town last night, for hot chocolate and a glimpse!

4) Advent calendars. An advent classic. Ok, so I don't actually have one yet this year :( My Auntie always buys my sister and I a Fairtrade one, and this year was no different. But my Mum was a wee bit forgetful and
left that at my Gran's. Not complaining though, will enjoy catching up on all the chocolate
when we finally get our hands on it! Anyway, here's a picture of our calendars a couple of year's ago, when we still had a piano too!

5) Christmas socks. Got to love the funny festive socks! I mean,. to be honest, I'd be quite happy to wear these year-round! But I didn't take them to uni with me in September, so these contributed to my transition into the festivities!

6) Fairy Lights. Our family are definitely one of the latest to put up our Christmas tree. My Dad's birthday is mid-December, and so ever since I was a kid we have waited until after his birthday to put up our tree and decorations. However, in recent years, my mum has kicked off advent by draping a string of fairy lights around this cabinet, just to give us a wee bit of magic to keep us going!

7) Advent candle. Finally, our annual candle. Since I was a child, I remember my mum loving candles, of all varieties! Much more so than chocolate haha. I don't really know many other people who do an advent candle, but I love it! I mean, we always forget to light it, and it takes forever to burn through the numbers, but we get there eventually! And then Mum replaces it with a fresh new Christmas candle for the centre of the table on Christmas day.

Well there we have it. Blogmas day 1 = complete! Had so much hassle trying to format with all these pictures (honestly been driving me insane!), so the next 24 days should be .... well, lets hope for the best!

Hope you liked this wee intro- plenty more festive posts to come!

Any post ideas, comment below!